
Statistical Analysis of "Battleship" Strategies

Authors: Didych Ya.O., Malinetskii G.G. Published: 26.07.2017
Published in issue: #4(73)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2017-4-122-135

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling. Numerical Methods, and Software Systems  
Keywords: "Battleship"game, ship placement algorithms, attacking algorithms, finishing off algorithms, simulating confrontation, Monte-Carlo method

The article gives the comparison between attacking and defensive algorithms in "Battleship" game. We calculated statistical characteristics of four attacking algorithms with variable parameters, as well as six defensive algorithms with variable parameters and three algorithms of finishing off the ships. Findings of the research show that there exists the most effective algorithm both for random ship configurations, and when specific defensive algorithms are applied. Similarly, the best defensive algorithm for locating ships is provided.


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