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Детектирование спектров комбинационного рассеяния света высокого спектрального разрешения…

ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 2


T —

thymine. Detection of the narrow spectral lines allows us

to determine the characteristic time scale of vibrational excita-

tion and makes it possible to study the dynamics of fast relaxa-

tion processes of atoms vibrational motions in biomacromole-

cules. Findings of the research show that for one of the nar-

rowest line at 1355.4 sm


, attributed to fluctuations of the

methyl group of dT, the full width of the line on a half of its

height equals 14.6 sm


and the appropriate life time equals

0.38 ps. We compared the obtained spectra with the complete

Raman scattering spectra obtained from the dried-up full-

sized DNA of a calf received with the high spectral and spatial

resolution and observed in the broad spectral range of the

frequency shifts of the scattered light from 6 to 4000 sm


. The

received results show that short oligonucleotides can be used

as successful model objects for investigating the molecular

DNA structure when studying their secondary structures.

These data can be also required in creating and investigating

different complexes with inorganic semiconductor nanostruc-

tures on the basis of such short oligonucleotides. The results

obtained in the research make it possible to implement theo-

retical and experimental studies required for achieving a

deeper fundamental understanding of structure-property

relationship for quantum-confined semiconductors nano-

structures and biomolecules and, are therefore of high interest

to the new directions of rapidly developing nano-



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