
The Physical Properties of Red Mud as Absorbance

Авторы: Handoko A.S., Mursito A.T., Nurjaman F., Prasetyo E., Herlina U., Susanti D., Yuwono S.D., Manaf A., Siburian R., Bahfie F. Опубликовано: 04.09.2024
Опубликовано в выпуске: #4(115)/2024  

Раздел: Химия | Рубрика: Органическая химия  
Ключевые слова: red mud, characterization, adsorbance, nano, properties


Red mud is a waste material generated during alumina refining that has traditionally been viewed as an environmental and disposal challenge. The history of red mud, its traditional uses, and potential applications in the future, particularly in carbon capture were explored. However, recent research has revealed that red mud has potential for a range of applications, includeing environmental remediation, energy conversion, and materials science. In particular, nano red mud has emerged as a promising material due to its high surface area, enhanced adsorption and catalytic properties, and potential for functionalization. Despite these advantages, there are also potential health and safety concerns associated with the use of nano red mud, and the synthesis of this material can be expensive and difficult. Nonetheless, further research is needed to optimize the synthesis and application of red mud and nano red mud, and to address the challenges and limitations associated with their use. The potential applications of red mud and nano red mud are promising, and they have the potential to contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future

Please cite this article as:

Handoko A.S., Mursito A.T., Nurjaman F., et al. The physical properties of red mud as absorbance. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 109--120. EDN: VTHNOR


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