Ф.Г. Унгер, Л.В. Цыро, А.А. Пичугина, Д.А. Афанасьев, С.А. Киселев
ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2016. № 4
then hit them alien free radical dramatically alters the natural
course of the process. So it makes sense to study the immuni-
ty and pathology of organisms by electron spin resonance.
The main aim of the study: еxplanation of some aspects of the
nature of immunity, pathologies, including biominerals. The
methods used in the study: X-ray diffraction, electron spin
resonance. The results: the attempt to descript some details in
mechanism of biominerals formation was made. Suggested
that both cancerous and colds, and many other processes,
including aging related. These processes are the consequences
of homolytic decomposition reactions of bosons with the
emergence of various radicals (fermions) and their inability to
output metabolic pathways
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