
Integrated Approach to Studying Pigment Morphology and Distribution in the Algae Cell

Authors: Parshina E.Yu., Samoylenko A.A., Maksimov G.V., Yusipovich A.I., Lobakova E.S., He Y., Levin G.G. Published: 29.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(113)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Bioorganic Chemistry  
Keywords: adsorption optical tomography, atomic force microscopy, algae, Haematococcus lacustris, Raman microscopy, laser interference microscopy


Atomic force microscopy, laser interference microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and optical absorption tomography are used to study morphology and distribution of the green microalga Haemotococcus lacustris cell structure. The paper shows that using Raman microspectroscopy makes it possible to identify position of separate cellular structures (chloroplasts), composition and conformation of the pigment molecules (carotenoids), atomic force microscopy, including the cell lateral and vertical size and laser interference microscopy, to determine the substance refraction indicator and consenquently the substance local concentration in a cell. This allows obtaining information about intracellular structures. Using the absorption optical tomography makes it possible to receive three-dimensional images of microalga Haemotococcus lacustris translucent cells, which have a rather complex structure, as well as to visualize the algae cell subcellular structures despite the light strong absorption inside the cell. Thus, integrated use of atomic force and laser interference microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and absorption optical tomography allows significantly expanding research capabilities and obtaining detailed and comprehensive information about both the cell geometry and the subcellular structures distribution, as well as about their molecular composition and pigment conformation

The work was carried out with the support of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Lomonosov Moscow State University "Molecular Technologies of Living Systems and Synthetic Biology". The sponsor was not involved in the development of the study, in the collection, analysis or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript or in the decision to publish the results

Please cite this article in English as:

Parshina E.Yu., Samoylenko A.A., Maksimov G.V., et al. Integrated approach to studying pigment morphology and distribution in the algae cell. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 2 (113), pp. 129--148 (in Russ.). EDN: NBOFMH


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