For authors
The editorial board of the journal Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series Natural Sciences accepts only original manuscripts in Russian or English prepared in higher educational institutions, scientific and industrial organizations. The manuscripts submitted should contain scientific results or technical developments in research area of the journal that were not previously published in other journals. The manuscripts submitted without following the requirements listed below are not considered by the editorial board. This guide outlines key points for preparing research manuscripts in Russian for submission to Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The requirements for the manuscript and the template are given in the file.
1. General requirements
1.1. The text of the manuscript is prepared in the form, containing figures (up to 5−7), figure legends, tables (up to 1−2), references (at least 20), a total volume of no more than 0.5−0.7 printers sheet (12−15 pages) in MS Word (.docx) file.
1.2. The manuscript should be accompanied by the following documents:
− author's application (MS Word .doc file or .pdf file);
− a cover letter to the editor-in-chief;
1.3. The manuscript should contain:
− full title of the article;
− initials and surnames of the authors;
− name of the organizations (official short name) the authors belong to;
− e-mail address of each of the authors;
− abstract (150−200 words);
− keywords (5−7);
− text, including figures (up to 5−7), figure legends, tables (up to 1−2);
− information on financial support — grant number, program (if any);
− acknowledgments (optional);
− references (at least 20);
− author credentials including the academic degree, position, place of work (department, subdivision), organization name, full workplace address, Scopus Author ID, ORCID, Web of Science Researcher ID.
2. Title, authors
2.1. The title is best prepared in 12 pt bold font and should clearly reflect the content of the article.The title should avoid using several sentences, as well as mathematical formulas, letters of alphabets, other than Russian and Latin, abbreviations.
2.2. Acceptable font size of surnames, names and patronymics of the authors is 12 pt. After the name of each author put a footnote, then point out the e-mail address. In the footnote give the name of the organization, city, country.
2.3. The footnote typed in font size 12 pt should provide the full name of the organization, city, country. Please make sure this information is the same as the information given on the official website of the organization. The title, the list of authors and institutions should be left aligned.
3. Abstract
3.1. An abstract allows up to 150−200 words and provides a general introduction to the topic and a brief summary of your main results and their implication.
3.2. The optimum font size is 12 pt, width alignment.
4. Keywords
4.1. Keywords of approximately 5−7 words should be in italic, the font size is 12 pt, left-alignment, put a comma between the keywords.
5. Text of the manuscript
5.1. The manuscript is acceptable as a MS Word (.doc or .docx) file. Files in .pdf format are not considered.
Page borders: bottom — 2 cm; upper — 2 cm; left — 3 cm; right — 1 cm. Use normal font, Times New Roman (12 pt), line spacing is 1.5 lines, paragraph indentation is 1.25 cm, width alignment. Pages should be numbered.
5.2. We recommend the following structure of the manuscript:
− introduction (a summary of the state of the issue under consideration, setting goals and objectives of the study);
− data and methods for solving problems, accepted assumptions;
− results (the main content of the article, the proofs of the points presented in the article, the initial and final mathematical expressions, experiments and calculations, examples and illustrations);
− discussion of the results obtained and their comparison with the previously known ones;
− summary (conclusion and recommendations).
5.3. Conventional symbols and abbreviations in the text should be disclosed when they are first mentioned in the text, except for the abbreviated units of measurement, physical, chemical, technical and mathematical quantities and terms (units should be given in Russian).
5.4. Terms used, units of measurement and symbols should be generally accepted and included in the International System of Units (SI system).
6. Formulas
6.1. All formulas should be typed only in the formula editor MathType6.x with the center alignment. Use Times New Roman typeface, font size of 12 pt for lowercase characters, 6 pt for indexes and 5 pt for subindex; indexes and subindixes should be clearly positioned.
6.2. Formula numbers are indicated in parentheses on the right. Numbers are assigned only to formulas that are referenced in the text.
6.3. We do not accept texts with formulas represented as pictures or character sets with inserts of MathType elements, as well as formulas typed in the MS Word equations constructor.
7. Tables
7.1. Tables (up to 1−2) should be located within the working area.
7.2. The table name, typed in bold, should be aligned to the center of the page, the table number should be put on the right side of the page.
7.3. Tables are numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. The information presented in the form of diagrams and graphs should not be duplicated in the form of tables.
8. Figures
8.1. Ensure you insert figures (up to 5−7 pieces) into the text immediately after the paragraph, in which the figure is first mentioned.
8.2. We do not recommend to place unnecessary details on the figure; textual information, the symbols should be given in the caption, replace them in the figure with numbers or letters corresponding to the notations in the text.
8.3. Supply separate image files in the .tif, .jpg, .bmp, .png and 300 dpi formats.
9. References
9.1. Literature should be made in accordance with the examples given in the file.
9.2. Ensure you arrange the references (you should have at least 20 of them) in the order of their mentioning in the text. The numerical order should be indicated in square brackets in the corresponding line of the manuscript.
9.3. Names of books, articles, other data and documents published in a foreign language, as well as names of their authors should be listed in the original transcription.
9.4. References should not include unpublished manuscripts or other data that are not in public access.
9.5. The font size should be 12 pt, width alignment. If the reference includes a URL or DOI, check the data accuracy and availability.
9.6. It is not allowed to refer to textbooks and teaching aids, popular science literature.
9.7. It is desirable to specify at least 20 sources — scientific articles from journals, while you should avoid unjustified self-citation.
10. Author credentials
10.1. These should include the following:
− surname, name and patronymic (in full);
− scientific degree;
− academic status;
− position;
− name of the organization the authors belong to;
− full address of the organization;
− Scopus Author ID, ORCID, Web of Science Researcher ID.
10.2. The font size is 12 pt, author's last, first and middle names should be typed bold.
We charge no fee for submitting and publishing the manuscripts. To purchase journal issues, draw up an application for the required number of the journal copies in the distribution department of BMSTU Publishing House (phone: 8 (499) 263-60-45,
To send soft copies of the author's documentation package, you can use e-mail
NB! Author's documentation package should include the following signed and scanned documents:
1) author's application (MS Word .doc file or .pdf file);
2) a cover letter to the editor-in-chief — for third-party authors.