Main Alphabetical index of keywords
Alphabetical index of keywords
"&1- 1-butyl-3-methylpyridinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide
- 1-butyl-3-methylpyridinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide
- 1-phenyl-2
- 1-phenyl-2.3-dimethylpyrazolin-5-thion
- 1D quantum well
- Abel's differential equation
- Abhorrent
- Abrikosov vortex
- Ackermann formula
- Alfven wave absorption
- Allan variance
- Andoyer variables
- ArF-laser
- Arrhenius law
- a half-life period
- a longitudinal magnгtic field
- a posteriori error estimation
- a priori estimation
- absolute humidity
- absorber
- absorption
- absorption probability of a random walk
- absorption spectra
- absorption spectrometry
- absorption spectrum
- accelerated testing
- accelerations
- accelerator with anode layer
- accelerogram
- acenaphthene
- acetonitrile
- acetylacetonates
- acetylene
- acetylene soot
- acid-base model
- acid-base properties
- acidic medium
- acoustic fields
- acoustic frequency spectrum
- acoustic impact
- acoustic measurements
- acoustic oscillations
- acoustic quality factor
- acoustic spectroscopy
- acoustic waves
- acoustics
- acrylamide
- acrylonitrile
- action potential
- activated carbon
- activated carbons
- activated sludge
- activation energy
- active acidity of a medium
- active silt
- active systems
- adaptive weight
- additive outliers
- additive technologies
- adequacy
- adequacy of a mathematical model
- adiabatic approach
- adjustment
- adsorbance
- adsorbents
- adsorption
- adsorption optical tomography
- aeroacoustics
- aerodynamic characteristics
- aerodynamic coefficients
- aerodynamic drag
- aerodynamic heating
- aeroelasticity
- aerophysics
- affine system
- affine systems
- aggregate stability
- aggregative stability
- air cushion
- air-cushioned landing gear
- airbag
- aircraft
- airflow
- airfoil
- alcohols
- alcoholysis of acylglycerols
- algae
- alginate
- algorithm
- algorithm of pseudorandom-number generation
- alkaline medium
- alkaline-earth metals
- alkaloid identification
- alkaloids
- allotropic carbon nanostructures
- alpha particle
- alphabet
- alternating regime
- alternative system
- aluminum alloy
- aluminum alloy V91
- aluminum oxide
- amido-phosphites
- amidophosphites
- amiloiodin
- amilopektoiodin
- amino acid
- amino-ethoxyvinylglycine
- aminoethoxyvinylglycine
- amorphous
- amorphous quartz
- amplitude coefficient of reflection from the crystal face
- amplitude spectrum
- amyloiodine
- amylopektin-iodine
- amylopektoiodine
- an artificial cavern
- analytic solution
- analytical approximate solution
- analytical solution
- analytical studies
- analytical synthesis
- analyticity region
- angle of attack
- angular deviation
- angular distribution
- angular rate
- anionic SAA
- anionic surfactant
- anisotropic coating
- anisotropic half-space
- anisotropic material
- anisotropic norm
- anisotropic theory
- anisotropic thermal protection
- anisotropy
- annular channel
- anode layer
- anodic dissolution
- anomalous temperature dependence of solubility
- antagonism of inhibition
- anthropogenic climate anomalies
- anti-mony oxychloride
- antibacterial activity
- anticipated transient without scram
- anticorrosive polymeric coating
- antifreeze
- antimony compounds
- antimony oxychloride
- antioxidant activity
- antioxidants
- antioxidation activities
- apparent heat capacity of electrolyte
- apparent specific volume
- applicability indicators
- application
- approximate identity
- approximate integration
- approximate solution
- approximating curve
- approximation
- approximation method
- approximation of piecewise linear functions.
- approximation to the ide"Шу
- aqueous dispersions
- aqueous solutions
- argon ion laser
- argument principle
- arsenol
- artificial cavern
- artificial immune system
- aryl isocyanates
- aryl substituted ureas
- assimilative potential
- associated petroleum gas
- association
- association constant
- astrophysical jets
- asymptotic
- asymptotic averaging
- asymptotic averaging method
- asymptotic behavior
- asymptotic classification of solutions
- asymptotic covariance matrix
- asymptotic expansions
- asymptotic expressions
- asymptotic homogenization method
- asymptotic homogenizing method
- asymptotic normality
- asymptotic plate theory
- asymptotic plates theory
- asymptotic relative efficiency
- asymptotic stability
- asymptotic theory for harmonic plate vibrations
- asymptotic unbiasedness
- asymptotics
- atmosphere
- atmosphere self-cleaning
- atmospheric impurity
- atmospheric pressure
- atomic cascade
- atomic force characteristics
- atomic force microscopy
- atomic functions
- attached shock wave
- attacking algorithms
- attenuation
- augmenting turn
- auto stochastic system
- autocorrelation function
- automata
- automatic control system
- automatic image processing
- autonomous auto-stochastic system
- autonomous autostochastic system
- autonomous systems
- autorotation
- availability
- average hydrodynamic radius
- average kinetic energy
- axial force
- axion
- axisymmetric turbulent jet
- B117 COVID-19
- Barton - Stranskiy model
- Barton — Stranskiy model
- Basketball league algorithm
- Bass --- Gura formula
- Bayesian filtering
- Bernoulli equation
- Berwald–Moore metrics
- Bessel function
- Bethe theory
- Betti aminobenzylation
- Biot equations
- Biot’s problem
- Bologna process
- BrX bronze
- Bragg’s reflection
- Brownian motion
- balance of forces parameter
- band matrices
- band-adaptive grids
- bandgap
- bar
- barium titanate
- barrier discharge
- basic features of an image
- bath biodegradation
- battery
- beam
- beam model
- beam oscillations
- bending
- betaxolol
- big data processing
- bilateral warfare model
- bilinear autoregression
- bimodal distribution
- binary solution
- binary system
- binodal
- bio-corrosion mechanisms
- bioactive materials
- biocorrosion
- biocorrosion mechanisms
- biodiesel
- bioethanol
- biofilms
- bioflocculant
- biofuel blend
- biological objects
- biological tissue
- biomarker
- biominerals
- bipedal walking
- birefringence
- birth and death process
- bisector axis
- bismuth
- blend
- block transposition of a matrix
- block-matrix
- blood
- blood-vessel pattern
- blueberry fruit
- blueberry leaves tall
- blunt body
- blunt-nosed body
- boiling
- boson
- bosons
- boundary conditions
- boundary conditions in magnetism
- boundary integral equation
- boundary layer
- boundary problem of nonlinear heat conduction
- boundary state method
- boundary value problem
- boundary value problems
- boundary value problems of mechanics
- boundary-value problems
- braking index
- bremsstrahlung
- brittle fracture
- brominated compounds
- brownian motion
- bruggeman approximation
- bubston clusters
- bulk forces
- CO2 adsorption
- CP-parity
- CRI1 index
- Canadian Yukon Cougar Optimization Algorithm
- Canis aureus
- Carathéodory domain
- Caratheodory domain
- Cauchy — Leray — Fantappie integral
- Cauchy problem
- Cebeci-Smith algebraic model
- Chan-Stein method
- Chernoff tangency
- Congo red dye
- Coulomb force
- Coulomb interactions
- Coulomb’s law
- Cox hypothesis
- Cox model
- calcium niobate
- calculation
- calibration
- cam-shaped
- cancellative semigroup
- canonical momentum
- canonical transformations
- capillary
- capillary and sound waves
- carbamoyl imidazoles
- carbon nanofibers
- carbon nanoinclusions
- carbon nanostructure synthesis
- carbon nanotube
- carbon nanotubes
- carotenoids
- carrageenan
- carriers for dosage forms
- cascade of atoms
- catalyst deactivation
- catalytic activity
- catalytic process
- catalytic reaction
- catalytically active layer
- cathode sputtering yield
- causality
- cause
- cause and effect
- cavitation
- cavity
- cell membrane
- cell of phase space
- cellular flame
- censoring
- center of resistance
- center point of design
- central limit theorem
- centrifugal destruction
- ceramic membranes
- channeling effect
- chaos generator
- chaotic
- chaotic attractor
- chaotic oscillations
- chaotic synchronization
- characteristic function
- characteristic parameters
- characteristic polynomial
- characteristic function
- characterization
- charged layer
- charged particle
- charged particles dynamics
- chelates
- chemical bond
- chemical current source
- chemical current source diagnostics
- chemical engineering
- chemical heat treatment
- chemical kinetics
- chemical reaction rate
- chemical reduction method
- chemical stability
- chemical technology
- chemical treatment
- chemisorption
- chi-square test
- chirality index
- chloride melts
- chloroparaffin
- chlorophyll
- chlorophylls
- chrome (III) oxide
- chromium
- chromium(III) oxide
- chronic disease
- chronopotentiometry
- chronovoltamperometry
- circular cylinder
- circular forces
- circular polarization
- circular profile
- circular rigid inclusion
- circular tube
- circulation system
- classic MHD
- classic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
- clathrate complexes
- clay
- climatic anomalies
- clone formation
- closed graph
- closed pores
- closed two-phase thermosyphon
- cluster
- cluster model
- clusters
- co-existence
- coagulants
- coagulation
- coal-water slurry
- cobalt and copper oxides
- cobalt ions
- cobalt nanoparticles
- cobalt oxide
- cobalt oxides
- coefficient
- coefficient of quality
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient smoothing
- coherence
- coherent electromagnetic radiation
- coherent radiation
- cohesive energy density
- collective risk
- collinear collision
- collision
- collisionless shock waves
- collisions
- colloidal system
- colloids
- combat unit
- combined fiber
- combustion
- combustion chamber
- combustion concentration limits
- combustion diffusion mode
- combustion gas dynamics
- combustion kinetic mode
- combustion products
- combustion stability
- combustion strategy
- compact invariant set
- compact linear group
- compactification
- compatibilizer
- competence
- competences
- complete frequency redistribution
- complex
- complex coagulant-reducing agent
- complex compounds
- complex electrolyte
- complex formation
- complex geological conditions
- complex or real components
- complex refractive index of medium
- complex systems
- complexation
- compliance matrix
- components
- composite
- composite material
- composite materials
- composite multi-attractor
- composite space
- composite with spherical inclusions
- composites
- composition chaotic attractor
- composition of words
- compound multiattractor
- compound nucleus
- compressible viscous liquid
- compression ratio
- compu-tation method
- computational diagnostics
- computational experiment
- computational fluid dynamics
- computer architecture
- computer modeling
- computer simulation
- computer technology
- computer tomography
- computing cluster
- concentrated vortices
- concentration
- concentration recovery
- condensation
- condensation of water vapors
- conditional mathematical expectation
- conducting Bingham fluid
- conducting ellipsoid
- conducting medium
- confidence boundary
- confidence estimations
- confidence interval
- confidence limits
- configuration space
- confusion
- conjugate gradient method
- conjugate heat transfer
- conjugate problem
- connected electric charge
- consequence
- consequences’ forecasting
- conservative force
- consideration for internal friction forces in the rotating ring
- consistency
- constrained dynamic systems
- contact angle
- contact device
- contact force
- contact of three phases
- contact problem
- contact problem of elasticity theory
- contactless diagnostics of rails
- content accessibility
- content management system (CMS)
- content profiling
- continuous Markov process
- continuous markov process
- continuous process
- contraction channel
- contrast
- control
- control of airfoil wake past a circular cylinder
- control ofchaotic oscillations
- control system
- control systems decomposition
- control theory
- control volume approach
- control volume method
- controllability and observability criteria
- controllability index
- controllable invariant set
- controller
- convection
- convective derivative
- convective diffusion flows
- convective heat exchange
- convective heat transfer
- convective-diffusion heat flux
- convective-radiation heat transfer
- convergence
- convergence rate estimators
- converging annular channel
- conversion
- convex matrix
- convex objective
- cooling from above
- cooper pairs
- coordination
- coordination compounds
- copper (II) oxide
- copper oxide
- copper oxides
- copper(II) ions
- corona --- Sun
- correlation coefficient
- correlation factor
- correlation functions
- correlation matrix robust evaluation
- corrosion
- corrosion modelling
- corrosion protection
- corrosion resistance
- cosmic microwave background
- cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation
- cosmology
- counter-flow heat exchanger
- couple stress
- coupling vibrations
- covulcanization
- crack
- crashworthiness
- creep
- creep curves
- creep rate
- creep recovery curves
- creep, stability characteristics
- criterion
- criterion function
- criterion power
- critical conditions for initiation of chemical reaction
- critical conditions of initiating a chemical reaction
- critical frequency
- critical loads
- critical phenomena
- cross-flow
- cryogenic space telescope
- cryolithozone
- crystal lattice
- crystal-to-liquid phase transition
- crystalline structure
- crystallization
- crystallographic equivalent orientation
- crystallographic orientation
- crystallosolvates
- cumulation
- current density
- current fluctuations
- current-voltage characteristic
- current-voltage characteristics
- curvature
- curved boundary
- cyanide
- cyclohexene
- cylinder
- cylindrical anisotropy
- cylindrical coordinate system
- cylindrical shells
- D-alanine
- D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO)
- DBSCAN clustering algorithm
- Debye --- Hückel theory
- Debye theory
- Depraved
- Dirichlet boundary condition
- Dirichlet problem
- damage effects
- damage rule
- damping of turbulent viscosity
- dangerous space body
- dangerous substance identification
- dark matter
- deceleration of atoms
- decomposition
- decomposition of acetylene and mixture with methane
- decomposition of binders
- decrement
- defect identification
- defect initiation
- deficit of velocity
- deformable solid
- deformation
- deformations
- deformed nuclei
- degree of longitudinal anisotropy
- dehydration/rehydration
- delamination
- delocalization
- dense runs
- density
- density functional method
- density functional theory
- descent vehicle
- descriptions of systems with control
- design of experiments (DOE)
- destabilization kinetics
- destruction
- destruction law
- detached eddy simulation
- detector in vacuum chamber
- determinant calculation
- determinism
- deterministic analogs
- detonation
- deuterium
- developed surface
- dew point
- dew-point
- diagnostic features
- diagnostics of railway line
- diagonal-flexible
- diamagnetic susceptibility
- diamidophenylphosphites
- dielectric
- dielectric coating
- dielectric displacement
- dielectric liquid
- dielectric permeability
- dielectric permittivity
- dielectric spectroscopy
- dielectric surface barrier discharge
- dielectric thermal breakdown
- dielectric wall
- diesel engine
- diesel fuel
- difference function
- differential equations
- differential evolution
- differential forms
- differentiator
- diffraction pattern
- diffractive distribution of probabilities
- diffused reflection
- diffusion
- diffusion flame
- diffusion saturation of the surface
- dihydric phenols
- dihydroxynaphthalenes
- dilution enthalpy
- dimer configurations
- dimethylformamide
- dimethylsulfoxide
- diode configuration
- dipole anisotropy
- dipole source
- direct nuclear interaction
- direct numerical modelling
- direct numerical simulation
- direct-flow heat exchanger
- directed graph
- discharge degree
- discrete crystal lattice
- discrete modelling
- discrete states
- discrete system
- discretization with respect to time variable
- disjoining pressure
- disk-shaped crack
- dislocations
- dismutation
- dispersant
- disperse inclusions
- disperse systems
- dispersion
- dispersion curves
- dispersion law
- dispersion medium
- dispersion relations
- displacement
- dissipation
- dissipative forces
- dissociating boundary layer
- dissociation
- dissolution
- dissolution Gibbs energy and enthropy
- dissolution enthalpy
- dissolution kinetics
- dissolution mechanism
- dissolution processes
- distant perturbations
- distribution
- distribution function
- distribution function structure
- distribution vector
- disturbance of movable singularity
- diverging perturbations
- domain decomposition method
- dose
- dosimetry
- drift current mechanism
- drongos
- drop
- drop pressure
- drop vibrations
- drop-shaped
- drop-shaped tube
- droplet
- droplet flow
- dry friction
- dry friction coefficient
- dual variational formulation
- dual variational formulation of steady thermal conductivity problem
- dyadic compactum
- dynamic characteristics
- dynamic contact
- dynamic dimension
- dynamic feedback
- dynamic hydraulic system
- dynamic light scattering
- dynamic model
- dynamic parameters
- dynamic process
- dynamic risk
- dynamic stability
- dynamic stress
- dynamic system
- dynamic thermoelasticity
- dynamical chaos
- dynamical characteristics
- dynamical contact
- dynamical discrete system
- dynamical model
- dynamical system
- dynamics
- dynamics of a rotating ring on supports
- dynamics of quantity
- dynamics of reproduction
- dynamics of water
- dyon
- EPR spectrometry
- Einstein coefficients
- Ephemeral search
- Ewald construction
- earth surface
- earth’s surface
- easily-ablating dielectrics
- ecology
- econometrics
- economic order quantity (EOQ)
- ecosystem monitoring
- eddy dissipation concept model
- edge effect
- effect
- effect Fermi
- effect of spatial localization of thermal perturbations
- effective coefficient of thermal conductivity
- effective heat conductivity coefficient
- effective inductive capacity
- effective medium
- effective rapidity of fire
- effective rigidity
- effective thermal conductivity coefficient
- effective thermal conductivity tensor
- efficient refractive index
- eigen modes and frequencies
- eigenfrequency
- eigenfunctions
- eigenvalues
- einstein coefficients
- elastic connecting rod
- elastic constants
- elastic cylindrical shells
- elastic dynamical systems
- elastic equilibrium
- elastic properties
- elastic solid
- elastic stress state
- elastic tree-like systems
- elastic-plastic deformation
- elasticity
- elasticity index
- elastomers
- elastoviscoplasticity
- electric conductivity
- electric current
- electric current density
- electric current fluctuations
- electric dipole moment
- electric field
- electric field structure
- electric heating element
- electric neutrality
- electric-conducting bodies
- electrical conductivity
- electrical conductivity of plasma
- electrical insulation of a superconducting cable
- electrization
- electro hydrodynamics
- electro-static field
- electrochemical reduction
- electrochemical sensor
- electrochemical test system
- electrode potential
- electrodynamic accelerator
- electrodynamics
- electrodynamics of moving media
- electrokinetic phenomena
- electroless nickel plating
- electrolysis cell
- electrolytic cell
- electromagnetic field
- electromagnetic forces
- electromagnetic hydrodynamics (EMHD)
- electromagnetic hydrodynamics (БЫНО)
- electromagnetic radiation
- electromagnetic radiation source
- electromagnetic resonator
- electromagnetic wave
- electromagnetic waves
- electron density
- electron emission
- electron microscopy
- electron recording
- electron temperature
- electroneutrality
- electroneutrality violation
- electronic nose
- electronic structure
- electrons
- electroplating
- electroplating industry
- electrospinning
- electrostatic field
- electrostatic potential
- ellipsoidal inclusions
- elliptic orbits
- elliptic systems
- ellipticity
- elongated projectile
- elongation
- embedding with a margin
- emergency
- emergency emission
- emission
- emitters
- endothermic fuels
- energetic pairs of stress and strain tensors
- energy
- energy balance law
- energy conservation principle
- energy conversion
- energy dispersive analysis
- energy exchange
- energy of activation
- energy resolution
- energy storage
- energy-saving technologies
- entangled states
- entanglement
- enthalpy
- enthalpy of delution
- enthalpy of dissolution
- enthalpy of interaction
- enthalpy of ion formation
- entropy
- entropy generation
- entropy of rotational motion
- entropy production
- environ-mental protection
- environmental protection
- equation of Keldysh type
- equation of motion
- equations of motion
- equatorial Kerr effect
- equilibrium constants
- equilibrium equation
- equilibrium stress value
- equivalence relation
- equivalence relation index
- equivalent series resistance
- erbium
- error of approximate solution
- error of the approximate solution
- errors in numerical calculations
- erythrocyte
- estimate of accuracy
- etching
- ethanol
- ethylene
- eutectic
- evaporative mode
- even-odd effect
- evolution problem
- evolutionary computation
- exact solitary-wave solutions
- exact solution
- exact solutions
- excess function
- exchange-correlation energy
- excitation spectrum
- excitations
- executive control
- exergy
- exhaled air
- exhaust gas toxicity
- existence theorem
- experience of activity
- experiment
- experimental methods
- experimental studies
- expert rating
- expiration date
- explicit schemes
- exploitation subsystem
- explosion
- exponential (double) generating function
- exponential (double) generating function
- exponential autoregression
- exponential generating function
- exponential systems
- exposure to low sonic frequencies
- external flow
- extracel-lular polymer matrix
- extracellular polymer matrix
- extreme learning machine
- FTIR spectroscopy
- Fabry --- Perot interferometer
- Fabry-Perot interferometer
- Fadle - Papkovich functions
- Faraday waves
- Faraday’s geometry
- Fe3O4)
- Federal State Educational Standard
- Fermi momentum
- Feuer kernel
- Feynman’s integral
- Finite Element Method
- Fizeau effect
- Fourier coefficients
- Fourier series
- Fourier spectroradiometer
- Fourier spectrum
- Fourier transform
- Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry
- Fourier transformation
- Franck - Condon factors
- Franck — Condon factors
- Franck-Condon factors
- Frank-Condon factors
- Friedel oscillations
- face detection
- factor
- fading memory
- failure-free operation mean time
- far fields
- fast automatic differentiation method
- femtosecond laser pulses
- femtosecond radiation
- fermentation
- fermions
- ferrites
- ferroelectric
- ferromagnetic nanocomposite
- fiber
- fiber-optic sensor
- field quantization
- field sources
- field theory approach
- field-reversed configuration
- filamentation
- filamentous fungi
- film
- film flow
- film-forming solution
- films
- filtration
- filtration theory
- final-element method
- fine structure
- fine-structure constant
- finishing off algorithms
- finite deformations
- finite difference
- finite difference method
- finite element element
- finite element method
- finite element model
- finite elements method
- finite-element method
- finsler geometry
- first Kolmogorov equation
- first main problem
- first-kind discontinuity magnitudes
- first-kind discontinuity velocities
- fixed isotropic medium
- fixed node degrees
- fixed points
- flame dynamics
- flame front acceleration
- flame structure
- flamelet model
- flammability
- flat body oscillation
- flat channel
- flat channel with a backward-facing step
- flat channel with reverse step
- flat output
- flat systems
- flexible polymers
- flicker noise
- flight dynamics
- flight phase
- floatation column
- flocculants
- flooded jet
- flotation
- flow characteristics
- flow modes
- flow stability
- flow structure
- fluctuations
- fluid-conveying pipe
- fluid-saturated pores
- fluids
- fluorescence
- fluorescence spectrum dynamics
- fluoride
- fluorine
- fluorometry
- fluxoid
- folded after-body
- follower force
- forecast
- form factor
- formal language
- formaldehyde
- fossil coal
- four-point bending
- fractal structure
- fractal structures
- fractional irradiation
- fractional nonlinearity
- fracture
- fracture mechanics
- fragmentons
- frameless turning of the rings
- free energy
- free radical
- free radicals
- frequency
- frequency decomposition of the signal
- frequency lock-in
- frequency shift
- friction
- friction factor
- friction stir welding
- fruits
- fuel oil
- full solution
- function
- functional
- functional critical points
- functional equations
- fundamental interactions
- fundamental matrix
- fundamental particles
- fundamental set
- fungicides
- GIS-technology
- Galerkin method
- Gaussian measure
- Generalized Haar system
- Gibbs solvation energy
- Girneys
- Gnanadesikan --- Ketenring estimate
- Gnanadesikan --- Kettenring estimate
- Gröbner basis
- Green Algae
- Green's function
- Green’s function
- Grobner basis
- gage invariance
- gallstone
- gamma radiation
- gamma-percentile resource
- gamma-radiation transport
- ganglion
- gas
- gas adsorption
- gas analysis
- gas and aerosol cloud
- gas at high temperature
- gas chromatography
- gas component
- gas discharge
- gas dynamics
- gas dynamics of combustion
- gas generator
- gas mixture
- gas suspension
- gas suspensions
- gas-aerosol cloud
- gas-dynamics
- gas-steam systems
- gasoline
- gasoline-bioethanol blend
- gelatin
- general-purpose graphic processing units (GPGPU)
- generalized Duffing equation
- generalized Newton --- Euler method
- generalized Shamel equation
- generalized coordinates
- generalized exponential auto-regressive model
- generalized exponential autoregressive model
- generalized functions
- generalized functions of slow growth
- generalized mathematical models
- generalized principle of superposition
- generating function
- generating functions
- generation
- geocentric latitude
- geodetic latitude
- geographic information system
- geometric characteristics
- geometric invariant
- geometric properties
- geometric shape
- geometrical invariant
- geometrical model
- glass microballoons
- glass transition temperature
- global chaos
- global optimization
- glow discharge
- glycerol
- glycine
- gradient corrections
- gradient-elastic semi-space
- grading
- granular medium
- granular medium model
- graph
- graphene
- graphene nanostructures
- graphics processing unit
- gravitational antennas
- gravitational interactions
- gravitational potential
- gravitational waves
- gravitational-wave perturbations
- grinding
- gross error sensitivity coefficient
- gross-error sensitivity
- group theory
- group velocity
- growth
- growth inhibition
- guaranteed life
- gyroscopic forces
- Haematococcus lacustris
- Hall current accelerator
- Hamilton operator
- Hamiltonian
- Hansenula polymorpha knockout
- Hawking hypothesis
- Hellinger-Reissner principle
- Hermann principle
- Hermitian conjugate operators
- Hougen - Watson method
- Hougen — Watson
- Humidity
- half-life
- hardenability
- harmonic balance method
- harmonic functions
- harmonic measure
- harmonic reflection operator
- head shock
- hearing impaired students
- heat accumulator
- heat and mass transfer
- heat capacity
- heat capacity as a function of concentration
- heat conduction
- heat conduction equation
- heat conduction problem
- heat conductivity
- heat dissipation effects
- heat equation
- heat exchange
- heat exchange with external environment
- heat exchanger
- heat explosion
- heat flow relaxation time
- heat flows
- heat fluxes
- heat recuperation
- heat transfer
- heat transfer coefficient
- heat transfer in an anisotropic half-space
- heat transfer in pipes
- heat transfer properties
- heat transfer wave equation
- heat treatment
- heat utilization
- heat-absorbing lining
- heat-and-mass transfer
- heat-mass exchange
- heat-shielding coating
- heating
- heating from below
- heavy and superheavy nuclides
- helical-coil heat exchanger
- helium gas medium
- helium-neon laser
- hematite
- hemispherical liner of degressive thickness
- hemoglobin
- hereditarily minimax network
- hereditary completenness
- heterogeneous catalysis
- heterogeneous catalysts
- heterogeneous rod
- heterogenous catalyst
- hidden symmetry
- high frequency asymptotic
- high order scheme
- high performance liquid chromatography
- high reduced pressures
- high speed element
- high temperatures
- high-efficient and parallel computing
- high-intensity oxidative processes
- high-perfomance computing systems
- high-performance liquid chromatography
- high-power laser radiation
- high-power microwave devices
- high-quality electric circuit
- high-speed recording
- high-speed video recording
- high-temperatureplasma
- high-velocity penetration
- higher professional education
- holder of a Bachelor’s degree
- holder of a master’s degree
- hollow cylinder
- holonomic constraint
- homogeneous
- homogeneous catalysis
- homogeneous elliptic operator
- homological manifold
- homology manifold
- homology manifold
- hopping robot
- horizontal wells
- hyaluronic acid
- hybrid algorithm
- hybrid model
- hydraulic resistance
- hydro-phobicity
- hydrocarbomethoxylation
- hydrodynamic approximation
- hydrodynamic disturbances
- hydrodynamic filter
- hydrodynamic instability of flame
- hydrodynamic luminescence
- hydrodynamic mode
- hydrodynamic radius
- hydrodynamic treat-ment
- hydrodynamics
- hydrogel
- hydrogen
- hydrogen bond
- hydrogen combustion
- hydrogen peroxide
- hydrogen safety
- hydrogen-air mixture
- hydrogen-containing combustible mixtures
- hydrolysis
- hydromechanical system
- hydrophilicity
- hydrophobicity
- hydrothermal synthesis
- hydroxide
- hydroxylamine
- hyper-sonic aircraft
- hyperbolic problem
- hyperbolic thermal conductivity equation
- hyperelastic materials
- hypersonic aircraft
- hypersonic flow
- hypothesis
- hypothesis about the order of the equation
- hysteresis
- IP management system
- IR spectra
- IR-sensors
- ice condition
- ideal fluid
- ideal magnetic
- identification
- identification of dangerous substance
- ignition
- ignition delay time
- illite
- illuminated domain boundary
- image analysis
- image quality improvement
- image segmentation
- immersed boundary method
- impact interaction
- impact upon nature
- impedance spectroscopy
- implicit differential motion equations
- implicit scheme
- implosion principle
- impure metal
- incom-pressible flow
- incompatibility of deformations
- incompressible flow
- increment
- independent contact boundary
- individual risk
- individual solvent
- induction heating
- industrial treatment
- industry-specific department
- inertial explosion of metals
- infinite set of linear algebraic equations
- infinitesimal symmetry generator
- inflation
- influence functional
- influence model
- information and communication technologies in the education
- information importance
- information support of product life cycle
- information system
- infrared Fourier transform spectrometry
- infrared spectroscopy
- infusion technology
- inhalation entering
- inhalation penetration
- inhibition effect
- inhomogeneities degeneration
- inhomogeneous transparent medium
- initiation
- injection
- injection depletion effect
- inner core
- inorganic electrolyte
- inorganic fillers
- input-output maps realizations
- input-to-state stabilization
- insertion angle
- instantaneous stationary state
- integral equations
- integral function of damages
- integral relation
- integral relations
- integral transform
- integral transformations
- integral transforms
- integrated information medium
- integrated logistic support
- integrity prediction
- integro-differential equation
- intelligence active structures
- intensification
- intensity
- intensive-activity teaching
- interaction enthalpy
- interaction potential
- interaction section
- interatomic interaction
- interatomic potential
- interface
- interference
- intermediate support
- internal and external heat and mass transfer problems
- internal combustion engine
- internal gravitational waves
- internal gravity waves
- internal resistance
- internal state parameters
- interphase interaction
- invariance
- invariant
- invariant set
- invariants
- inventory control
- inverse emulsion method
- inverse ill-posed problem of electrodynamics
- inverse matrix
- inverse problem
- inverse problems
- inversion
- inversion voltammetry
- inverted physical pendulum
- iodine-containing chelate - polyvinyl pyrrolidone-iodine
- iodine-containing clathrate - polyvinyl-iodine
- iodine-containing clathrates
- iodinol
- ion
- ion association
- ion association model
- ion beam focusing
- ion sputtering
- ionic strength
- iron
- iron oxide
- iron oxide slurry
- iron oxides
- iron oxides (FeO
- iron-base alloys
- iron-containing catalysts
- irregularity condition
- irreversible process
- island ofstability
- isotonic solution
- isotopic effect
- isotopic peak series
- isotropic separator wall
- isotropic short fibers
- isotropic solid
- isotropy
- iteration matrix
- iteration method
- iterative computational scheme
- iterative method
- itinerant magnetism
- Kantorovich - Lebedev transformation
- Kaplan --- Meier estimate
- Kaplan-Meier estimates
- Kaplan-Meier estimator
- Kelvin --- Helmholtz instability
- Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic element
- Kolmogorov - Smirnov criterion
- Kolmogorov --- Smirnov criterion
- Kolmogorov equations
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
- Kosambi --- Cartan --- Chern theory
- Kronecker symbols
- Kubelka --- Munk approach
- Kubelka — Munk approach
- Kuhn segment
- Kullback measure
- Kullback’s measure
- Kuznetsova's theory
- kaolinite
- kerogen
- kinematic Sunyaev - Zeldovich effect
- kinematic analysis
- kinetic
- kinetic combustion
- kinetic curves
- kinetic energy
- kinetic equation
- kinetic inductance
- kinetic ion description
- kinetic mechanism
- kinetic parameters
- kinetics
- kinetics of dissolution
- kinetics of formation and destabilization of clathrates
- knapsack problem
- L-alanine
- LEDs
- LS-STAG method
- Labidognatha
- Lagrange function
- Lagrange multiplier method
- Lagrange multipliers
- Lagrange variational principle
- Lame system
- Landau --- Khalatnikov model
- Landsat 8
- Laplace equation
- Laplace operator
- Laplace’s equation
- Laplacian
- Lax - Wendroff difference scheme
- Learning
- Lebesgue measure
- Leden’s method
- Lepidoptera
- Lie group
- Linpack Benchmark test
- Liouville problem
- Lipschitz condition
- Lipschitz constant
- Lipschitz — Hölder space
- Lipschitz — Hölder space
- Lipschitzian constant
- Londons’ equations
- London’s equation
- Lorentz force
- Lorentz group
- Luzin inequality
- Lyapunov function
- Lyapunov matrix
- laboratory experiment
- lambert’s problem
- landscape analysis
- landslide
- lanthanum oxide
- laplacian
- large deformations
- large eddy simulation
- large-scale granularity
- large-sized space structures
- laser
- laser ablation
- laser extinction
- laser infrared spectroscopy
- laser interference microscopy
- laser interferometer
- laser radiation
- laser-induced fluorescence
- latent heat
- lateral pipe diameter
- lathe mechanism
- lattice parameter
- lattice structure
- laws of thermodynamics
- least absolute deviation estimate
- least absolute deviation estimation
- least absolute deviations estimate
- least modulus estimations
- least square method
- least squares estimate
- least squares estimation
- least squares method
- leaves of deciduous trees
- leech
- level set function
- lidocaine
- life cycle
- lifetime
- ligaments
- light transport
- light-emitting diode
- light-erosion
- limit theorems
- limited fluid volume
- linear fracture mechanics
- linear matrix differential equation
- linear nondegenerate matrix equation
- linear representation
- linear representation of a group
- linear representation of a group
- linear stationary dynamical system
- linear viscosity
- liner
- lipid membrane
- liquid boriding
- liquid explosive
- liquid layer
- liquid metal
- liquid nitrogen
- liquid phase sputtering
- liquid-phase epitaxy
- liquid-vapor equilibrium
- lithium
- lithium batteries
- lithium cells
- lithium niobate
- lithium-thionyl chloride current sources
- livonia sols
- load
- loads
- local convergence
- local ecosystems
- local equilibrium hypothesis
- local heating
- local non-equilibrium
- local periodic heat action
- local problems
- local value of albedo
- local-heating
- localheating
- localization
- localization of invariant sets
- localized vibrations
- localizing set
- locally most powerful rank criteria
- locally non-equilibrium heat transfer
- lognormal distribution
- long-range effects
- long-term measurements
- longitudinal pitch ratio
- longitudinal vibrations
- longitudinal wave velocity
- longitudinal-bending waves
- loss of stability
- low frequency electromagnetic noise
- low-frequency acoustic effects
- low-frequency and high-frequency component
- low-frequency effect
- low-frequency harmonic vibrations
- low-frequency optical resonance
- low-frequency ultrasound
- low-temperature plasma
- lower bounds
- lower flammability limit
- luminescence
- luminescence spectrum
- luminous radiation
- lyophobic sols
- M-estimate
- M-estimates
- M-estimation
- MCD estimate
- Mach number
- Maine Coon
- Mannich aminomethylation
- Markov process
- Markov process with discrete states
- Maxwell equations
- Maxwell equations system
- Maxwell pressure
- Maxwell viscoelastic element
- Maxwell's equations
- Maxwell’s equations
- Meissner --- Ochsenfeld effect
- Meller’s transformations
- Metropolis algorithm
- Millimetron space observatory
- Minkowski space
- Moller-transformation
- Monte Carlo method
- Monte-Carlo method
- Moodle
- Moon
- machine
- machine learning
- macro-galvanic couple
- macromolecule
- macroscopic entanglement
- magic nuclei
- magnesium tetraborate
- magnetic anisotropy
- magnetic charges
- magnetic field
- magnetic field of nanotube
- magnetic hydrodynamics
- magnetic hysteresis
- magnetic monopoles
- magnetic nanocomposite
- magnetic reconnection
- magnetic semiconductor
- magnetic topology
- magnetization
- magneto-dynamics
- magneto-optic effect
- magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium
- magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
- magnetostatic wave
- magnetostatics
- magnetron discharge
- magnitude spectrum
- main pipeline
- management optimization
- mannich aminomethylation
- mantle
- mass and velocity distribution
- mass operator
- mass spectrometry
- massively parallel computing
- matcont Quantum dots
- material functions
- material dispersion
- material functions
- mathematical simulation
- mathematical model
- mathematical modeling
- mathematical modelling
- mathematical simulation
- matrix equations
- matrix reduction
- matrix spectrum
- matrix structure
- maximal invariant compact
- maximum likelihood estimate
- maximum likelihood estimation
- mean curvature
- mean time between failures
- mean-square displacement
- mechanical analogues
- mechanics of continua
- mechanics of soils
- mechanisms of expert assessment
- medicines
- medium
- mediumpolarizability
- mefenamic acid
- melt
- melting
- melting point
- membrane
- meniscal form liner
- mercazolyl
- mesophase
- mesoporous titanium dioxide
- metal drop
- metal modi-fication
- metal modification
- metal oxide
- metal oxides
- metal wall
- metallic body
- metallic nanoparticles
- metals
- metamaterial
- methane
- methane combustion
- methanol
- method of Lagrange multipliers
- method of asymptotic averaging
- method of finite elements
- method of four russians
- method of initial parameters
- method of majorants
- method of selfconsistency
- methodical errors
- methylene blue
- methylvinylpyridine
- metric
- metric tensor
- micelle forming nonionic surfactant
- microbial consortium
- microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)
- microgels
- microorganisms
- microparticle
- micropores
- microstructure
- microwave processing
- microwave radiation
- microwave treatment
- military-technology program
- millisecond pulsar
- mind evolutionary computation
- minimax
- minimax network
- mixed biofuel
- mixed boundary value problem
- mixed dynamic problem
- mixed face boundary conditions
- mixed problem
- mixing
- mixture biofuel
- mobile learning
- mobile wall
- mobility
- mobility of boundary
- modal control by state
- modal controller
- modal synthesis
- mode I
- mode II
- mode shape
- model
- model of three-sector economics
- model of three-sector economy
- modeling
- modelling
- models of biochemical systems
- models of electric charge density
- modification
- modification of gravity
- modified particle-in-cell method
- modulation
- module-competence approach
- molar volume ratio
- molecular association
- molecular orbitals
- molecular package density
- molecular packing density
- molecular weight distribution
- molten drops
- molybdenum oxide
- moment of inertia
- moment of momentum
- momentum
- momentum of heat energy
- monoalkyl ethers
- monochromatic wave
- monochromaticity
- monomial
- monopole
- monte Carlo method
- mortar method
- motion control
- motion planning
- motor fuel
- movable boundaries
- movable singular point
- movable singularity
- movement solid body
- moving average model
- moving heat source
- moving medium
- moving singular points
- moving source
- moving wall
- multi-block grids
- multi-index
- multi-level structure
- multi-link manipulator
- multi-memetic algorithm
- multi-nozzle torch
- multi-sensors
- multiattractor
- multidimensional body
- multigrid methods
- multilayer plates
- multilayer thin plates
- multilevel decomposition
- multimedia presentations
- multimedia projects
- multiparameter potentials
- multiphase media
- multiphase nonequilibrium flow
- multiple integral
- multiple scattering
- multiplicative jump interference
- multiscale approach
- multisegment nonlinearity
- multisensors
- multisensory stripping voltammetry
- multivariable function
- mutual coagulation of sols
- N-linked pendulum
- NDVI705 index
- NMR spectroscopy
- NMR-spectroscopy
- Nakhchivan zeolite
- Nash equilibrium
- Navier --- Stokes equations
- Navier --- Stokes equations
- Navier-Stokes equations
- Navier–Stokes equations
- Nepenthes
- Newton --- Euler method
- Newton method
- Nikolsky classes
- Noble
- Nuss procedure
- Nvidia CUDA
- nano
- nano-size refractory particles
- nanocomposite based on transition metal carbides
- nanocomposite properties control
- nanocomposite wear and heat resistance
- nanocone
- nanocrystal
- nanocrystallite
- nanoglobuls
- nanomaterials
- nanoparticle
- nanoparticles
- nanosized refractory particles
- nanostructural composites
- nanostructural elements
- nanostructure
- nanostructure materials
- nanostructured materials
- naphthophosphacyclophanes
- narrow U-shaped notch
- narrow-band filter
- natural compounds analogues
- natural coordinate system
- natural losses
- natural zeolite
- navier --- Stokes equations
- navigation
- navigation systems
- near-surface electron layer
- near-surface layers
- necking
- neighbourhood learning
- neighbourhood of movable singular point
- neodymium catalyst
- network optimization
- network polyhedrons
- neutral medium
- neutron drip-line
- neutron flux
- neutron star
- nickel
- nickel oxide
- nitration
- nitro-acenaphthene
- nitroacenaphthene
- noise spectroscopy
- non-Markov process
- non-Markovian process
- non-Markovian random process
- non-aqueous solvents
- non-axisymmetric deformation
- non-conducting isotropic medium
- non-conservation
- non-contact measurement
- non-destructive testing
- non-equilibrium state
- non-ferrous metals treatment
- non-ideal thermal contact
- non-linear mathematical model
- non-local continuum
- non-local deformation
- non-locality
- non-markovian process
- non-parametric statistics
- non-radiative approximation
- non-stationary combustion
- non-stationary heat exchange
- non-stationary heat transfer process
- non-stationary non-linearity
- non-stationary process of nonlinear heat conductivity
- non-stationary systems
- non-uniqueness of the solution
- nonaxisymmetric problems
- nonclassical problem
- noncommutativity of matrix multiplication
- nonequilibrium
- nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
- nonequilibrium state
- nonequilibrium turbulence
- nonionic surfactants
- nonlinear differential equation
- nonlinear differential equation of second order
- nonlinear differential equations
- nonlinear double pendulum
- nonlinear dynamic system
- nonlinear dynamics
- nonlinear elastic base
- nonlinear elasticity
- nonlinear guided waves
- nonlinear higher-order ordinary differential equation
- nonlinear local non-equilibrium medium
- nonlinear mathematical model
- nonlinear mechanics
- nonlinear optics
- nonlinear ordinary differential equation
- nonlinear oscillations
- nonlinear potential
- nonlinear systems
- nonlinear thermal characteristics
- nonlinear third-order differential equation
- nonlinear waves
- nonlinearity
- nonlocal continuum
- nonlocal correlations
- nonlocal elasticity
- nonlocal interaction
- nonlocality
- nonparametric statistics
- nonstationary energy distribution
- nonstationary heat conduction
- normal combustion rate
- normal distribution
- normal solution
- nose cone
- nozzle
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear fuel element
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
- nuclear reactions
- nuclear shells
- nucleate boiling
- nucleinic bases
- number of experiments
- number of particles in a cluster
- numerical calculation
- numerical calculations
- numerical integration
- numerical investigation
- numerical methods
- numerical simulation
- numerical solution
- numerical study
- Olive --- Hawkins estimate
- OpenFOAM software package
- Osage orange (Maclura pomifera)
- object
- object infrared direction finder
- object-oriented classification
- objective function
- observation errors
- ocean
- oil pipeline
- oil pollution
- olefin synthesis
- oligomerization
- oligonucleotides
- one-dimensional problems
- one-dimensional temperature distribution
- opal
- operational solutions
- operator
- operator differential equation
- operator equations
- operator of wave interaction
- operator semigroup
- operators in Hilbert space
- operators of birth and destruction
- optic fiber core
- optical characteristics
- optical fibre waveguides
- optical microscopy
- optical pumping
- optical ring resonator
- optical solitons
- optically stimulated luminescence
- optimal
- optimal control
- optimal frequencies
- optimal frequency
- optimal initial concentrations
- optimal reactive power
- optimal strategy
- optimisation
- optimization
- optoelectronic
- orbital entry into dense layers of atmosphere
- order
- ordinary linear differential equation of infinite order with the parameter
- organizational and pedagogical conditions
- organizational-economical modeling
- organometallic framework compounds
- orientation
- orthodontic tooth movement
- orthogonal functions
- orthogonal grids
- orthogonal scattering approach
- orthophosphoric acid
- oscillation
- oscillation frequencies
- oscillation theory
- oscillations
- oscillations frequency
- oscillations of fluids
- oscillator strength
- oscillator strengths
- oscillatory, rotary, and centrifugal constants
- outer core
- outgoing jets
- oxalates
- oxalon
- oxamates
- oxamides
- oxidation
- oxidation mechanism
- oxidative degradation
- oxidative desulfurization
- oxidizing function
- oxygen
- oxygen-containing flow
- oxygenated fuels
- oxyhydroxide solution
- ozone
- Painleve paradoxes
- Pareto set
- Peano curve
- Perognathinae
- Planck units
- Poisson operator
- Poisson brackets
- Poisson equation
- Poisson integral
- Poisson limit theorem
- Poisson process
- Poisson’s ratio
- Polydomain model
- Pontryagin maximum principle
- Pontryagin’s maximum principle
- Potential energy curve
- Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- pairing effect
- palladium-phosphine catalyst
- panoramic FTIR spectrometer
- parachute
- parafoton
- parallel algorithms
- parallel computing
- parallel programming
- parallel-kinematics mechanisms
- parameter of co-relation of forces
- parametric excitation
- parametric resonance
- parametrical resonance
- paraphoton
- paraphotons
- partial differential equations
- partial differential equations in matrix form
- partial frequency
- partial guessing
- partial reaction orders
- partially wetting liquid
- particle
- particle interaction
- particle size
- particle strength exchange method
- passenger car
- pattern recognition
- pectus excavatum
- penalty method
- pencil-like beam
- pendulum
- pendulum drift
- penetration
- penetrative action
- percutaneous absorption
- percutaneous entering
- percutaneous injection
- percutaneous penetration
- periodic heat transfer
- periodic operator
- periodic solutions
- periodically varying follower force
- periodogram of a process
- permafrost
- permanent orbital stations
- permeability
- permeable cylinder
- permittivity
- permittivity profile
- perovskite
- perturbation method
- perturbation method
- perturbation of a moving singular point
- perturbation of the initial condition
- perturbation theory
- petroleum diesel fuel
- petroleum fuel
- pharmaceutical preparations
- pharmaceuticals
- phase change
- phase constraints
- phase curve
- phase equilibrium
- phase rate
- phase structure
- phase system
- phase transformation
- phase transformations
- phase transition
- phase velocity
- phenolysis
- phonon spectrum
- phonon-phonon interaction
- phonons
- phosphorous acid chlorides
- phosphorylation
- photo luminescent spectroscopy
- photodegradation
- photodestruction
- photodissociation
- photoelectrochemical converters
- photoluminescence
- photoluminescence spectrum
- photon
- photon correlation spectroscopy
- photon crystal
- photon crystals
- photon power plants
- photon trap
- photonic crystal
- photonic crystals
- photooxidation
- photosensitivity
- physical and mechanical properties
- physical doping
- physical librations of the Moon
- physical non-linearity
- phytoplankton
- piecewise linear approximation
- piecewise-constant loading
- piecewise-polynomial approximation
- piezoelectric-elasticity
- pile foundation
- pile foundations
- pilot plant
- pipeline
- planar waveguide
- plane electromagnetic wave
- plasma
- plasma accelerator
- plasma chemistry
- plasma dynamics
- plasma in the layer
- plasma metal coating
- plasma oscillations
- plasma with an arbitrary degree of degeneracy
- plasma with an arbitrary degree of degeneracy
- plasma-chemical process
- plastic deformation
- plastic strain
- plastic strain accumulation
- plasticity
- plasticizers
- plate
- plate buckling
- plate-damper
- plates with various shapes
- point-to-point steering problem
- point-to-point steering problems
- polar coordinates
- polariton
- polaritons
- polarization
- polarization curve
- polarization modulation
- polarization of reflected light
- polarization resistance
- polarographic analysis
- polyacrylonitrile
- polyaromatic hydrocarbons
- polyatom phenols
- polydisperse aerosol
- polyethylene glycol
- polyharmonic
- polyimide
- polyisoprene
- polymer
- polymer composite material
- polymer elasticity
- polymer flexibility
- polymer materials
- polymer membrane
- polymer membranes
- polymer nanofibers
- polymer swelling
- polymerisation
- polymers
- polynomial
- polyoxadiazol
- polyphenols
- population
- pore
- pores
- poroelasticity
- porosity
- porous material
- porous medium
- porous photon crystal
- porous polyurethane
- potassium dichromate
- potassium permanganate
- potassium peroxodisulfate
- potential
- potential and strength of electrostatic field
- potential at the interface of the oxide/solution phases
- potential energy
- potential energy curve
- potential energy curves
- potential well
- potentiometric titration
- powder material
- powder shaped-charge jet
- powdered aluminum
- powdered aluminum
- power
- power spectrum
- practical problem-oriented courses
- praseodymium trichloride
- pre-stressed
- predefined node degrees
- prediction
- pressure
- pressure coefficient
- primary amines
- primary cells
- primary chemical current sources
- primary emission current
- primary objects
- principal components method
- principle of virtual displacements
- probabilistic estimates
- probabilistic model
- probability
- probability of implementation
- problem of heat conductivity
- problem of the heterogeneous body elasticity theory
- process modeling
- process of warming up
- production of entropy
- professional and personal competences
- professional competence
- project activity
- projection
- projective estimator
- promoters
- propagator
- propane cracking
- propeller noise
- properties
- protective baffle
- proton
- proton drip-line
- prototype
- pseudo-Riemannian metric
- pseudocharacter
- pseudoinverse matrix
- pseudoinverse matrix
- pseudoinverse matrix calculation formulae
- pseudoinverse matrix calculation formulae
- pseudoscalar
- pulse function
- pulse method
- pulsed induction heating
- pump wavelengths
- pure scattering
- purification of gas emissions
- pyrolysis
- pyrotechnic composition
- Quantum Dots
- quadratic nonlinearity
- quadratic type
- qualitative properties
- qualitative theory of differential equations
- qualitative theory of dynamical systems
- quality assessment
- quality of life
- quantization of magnetic flux
- quantum cascade laser
- quantum causality
- quantum chemical method
- quantum chemical simulation
- quantum dots
- quantum information
- quantum physics
- quantum tomography
- quantum yield of the luminescence
- quantum-cascade laser
- quantum-chemical methods
- quasi-Feynman formula
- quasi-canonical form
- quasi-linear parabolic equation
- quasi-linear parabolic-type equation
- quasi-static displacement
- quasicanonical form
- qubit
- RANS models
- Raman light scattering
- Raman microscopy
- Raman scattering
- Raman scattering spectroscopy
- Raman spectroscopy
- Response Surface Methodology
- Reynolds equations
- Reynolds number
- Reynolds-averaged Navier — Stokes equations
- Rhinotia haemoptera
- Rhodamine 6G
- Riemann function
- Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus
- Rv'v"-centroids
- radar
- radar interferometry
- radar with synthetic-aperture antenna
- radial distribution
- radial wave equation
- radiation
- radiation intensity
- radiation magnetic hydrodynamics
- radiation spectrum
- radiative lifetime of excited state
- radiative lifetime of the excited electron state
- radiative lifetime of the excited state
- radiative transport equation
- radiative transport equations
- radical oxidation
- radical-induced nudeation
- radioactive decay
- radioactivity
- radiometric model
- rail
- railgun
- ramjet engines
- random coefficient autoregressive model
- random errors
- random jump structure
- random motion
- random variable
- random walk stop probability
- range of alpha particle
- rank methods
- rapeseed oil
- rapeseed oil methyl ester
- rate constants
- rate of quenching
- rate sensitivity
- rate type viscoelastic flow
- raw materials
- ray method
- ray tracing
- reaction kinetic model
- reaction kinetics
- reaction order
- reactive power
- reactor cascade
- reagent-based technology
- reagents
- reason
- receiver
- recombination luminescence
- recombination model
- recombination properties
- reconstruction method
- recovery
- rectifiable
- recurrent chains
- red mud
- redox reactions
- reduced semigroup C*-algebra
- reducing a matrix to row echelon form
- reduction-oxidation reaction
- redundancy
- reduplication operator
- reduplicative function
- reentry spacecraft
- reflectance
- reflection
- reflection coefficient
- refraction
- refraction factor
- refractive index
- refractory ceramics
- regime characteristics
- regions with a moving boundary
- registration
- regression coefficient
- regression equation
- regression model
- regular and singular models
- regular language
- regularization
- regulation system
- relative humidity
- relativistic invariant
- relativity theory
- relaxation
- relaxation oscillations
- relaxation process
- relaxation processes
- relaxation time
- reliability
- reliability and safety of complex systems
- reliability prediction
- relic gravitational waves
- remote courses in practical physics
- remote laboratory works
- remote sensing
- remote sensing of the Earth
- repair
- replacement outliers
- replication operator
- representative structure element
- reproducibility
- reservation
- residual capacitance
- residual operating life
- residual stresses
- resistance
- resistance coefficient
- resisting medium
- resistivity
- resolvent
- resonance
- resonance dependence
- resonant frequency
- resonator
- response
- rest energy
- rest mass
- restrictions on the material functions
- result of intellectual activity
- result reliability
- rheological effects
- rheology
- rhythmic exitation
- rigidity
- rimless wheel
- ring laser gyroscope
- risk
- risk analysis
- risk maps
- robust estimate
- robust estimation
- robust principal component analysis
- robustness
- rock formation
- rockburst-hazardous deposits
- rods model
- rotary oscillations
- rotatability
- rotating cylinder
- rotating filtering element
- rotation
- rotation of the Moon
- rotational Brownian motion
- rotational motion of molecules
- rotational noise
- rotoid
- roughness
- rubber
- ruby crystal
- S-loop
- SARC model
- SQUID magnetometers
- SV normal waves
- SV-polarized normal wave
- Saint-Venant principle
- Schr¨odinger’s equation
- Schrodinger equation
- Semenov’s diagram
- Sentinel 2A
- Stefan problem
- Stefan’s problems
- Student’s distribution
- Sturm-Liouville problem
- Sturm-Liouville theorem
- Sun
- Synthetic Biome
- safety
- sales system
- salicylaldehyde
- salicylaldoxime
- salt solution
- sandwich honeycomb composite material
- satellite location
- satellite navigation
- satellite track
- scalar control
- scalar field
- scalar potentials
- scale relations
- scanning electron microscopy
- scattering
- scattering of light
- sea brightness photometer (SBP)
- seat belt
- second pulsar
- second-order phase transition
- secondary amines
- secondary electron emission
- secondary radiation
- seed buckwheat grass
- seismic
- seismic load
- seismic risk
- seismic risk map
- seismic stability
- selection mirror
- selective laser melting
- selective reproduction
- selenium nanoparticles
- selenopotential
- self-consistent scheme
- self-oscillations
- self-similar solution
- self-similar variables
- self-sputtering mode
- selfadjoint operator
- selfsimilar solution
- semi-Markov process
- semi-closed graph
- semi-empirical calculation methods
- semi-strip
- semiempirical methods
- sensitiser
- sensor failures
- sensor networks
- separated flow
- separation
- separator
- sequence over the finite alphabet
- sequential systems
- shampoo
- shaped charge
- shaped-charge jet
- shaped-charge liner
- shared opinion
- ship placement algorithms
- shock
- shock layer ionization
- shock tube
- shock wave
- shock-wave compression
- shock-wave loading
- shockproof isolator
- sign test
- signal intensity
- signal processing
- significance
- silicon
- silver sulfide
- similarity method
- similarity transformation
- similarйу method
- simulating confrontation
- simulation
- simulation of thermomechanical processes
- simultaneous equations
- single scattering approximation
- single-walled carbon nanotube
- singular integral equation
- singular integral transform
- singular points
- singular value
- size ratio
- sizing uncertainty
- skew-symmetric systems
- skin cleaning
- slider-crank mechanism
- slowing-down of atoms
- small-diameter channels
- smeared cracks
- smoothing approximation
- sodium chlorate
- sodium hyaluronate
- sodium laureth sulfate
- software
- soil
- sol-gel
- sol-gel method
- sol-gel synthesis
- solar cells
- solar radiation
- solar wind
- solid
- solid body
- solid dispersions
- solid phase
- solid solution
- solidification
- solitary waves
- solitons
- solubility
- solution formula
- solvation
- solvation enthalpy
- solvent
- sonochemical process
- sonochemical processes
- soot
- sorbent
- sorbents
- sound absorption
- sound packets
- sound uniformity
- sound velocity
- sources of the field
- space
- space anisotropy
- space-based radar images of the Earth
- space-time metric
- space-time transformations
- spacecraft
- sparging
- spark ignition
- spark ignition engine
- sparse matrix
- sparse matrix storage format
- sparse sets
- spatial autoregression
- spatial integral equations method
- spatial locali-zation
- spatial localization
- spatial resolution
- spatial spectrum
- special solution form
- special theory of relativity
- specialist
- specific heat
- specific rate
- specific surface area
- specific surface distribution
- spectral characteristics
- spectral coefficients of reflection and absorption
- spectral density
- spectral dependence
- spectral energy thresholds
- spectral mean
- spectral synthesis
- spectral transformation
- spectro-radiometer
- spectrometer
- spectrophotometer
- spectrophotometric measurement
- spectroradiometer
- spectroscopy
- spectroscopy of Raman scattering
- spectrum
- spectrum analysis
- sphalerite
- spherical composite
- spherical composites
- spherical flame front
- spherical hot spot
- spherical layer
- spherical source of heating
- spheroidal inclusions
- spin
- spin phenomena
- spinodal
- splash
- splines
- spontaneous triggering
- stability
- stability by Lyapunov
- stability constant
- stability constants
- stability of atomic nuclei
- stability triangles
- stabilization
- stabilization in the presence of disturbances
- stabilizer in general position
- staggered grids
- standard compound/ion formation enthalpies
- standard enthalpy of ion formation
- standard formation enthalpy
- standing wave
- standing waves
- state constraints
- state observer
- state of discharge
- state space
- state-vector feedback
- stationary distribution
- stationary process
- stationary stage of jets interaction
- stationary subalgebra in general position
- statistic characteristics
- statistical simulation
- statistical weight
- statistics
- statistics of disasters
- steady motion
- steady-state temperature field
- steam turbine
- steel target
- steepest descent method
- steeply curved inserts
- stefan problem
- stem cells
- stimulated scattering
- stimuli-responsive materials
- stochastic Petri nets
- stochastic model of both-sided battle actions
- stochastic ordinary differential equation
- stock control
- stoichiometry
- stop band
- stop-band
- strain
- strain energy density
- strain waves
- stratification
- stratified and homogeneous fluid
- stratified medium
- stream of magnetic induction
- strength
- strength properties
- stress
- stress and strain state
- stress relaxation curves
- stress-and-strain state
- stress-strain state
- stresses
- striking factor
- stripping voltammetry
- strong electrolyte
- strong ellipticity
- strongly semi-closed graph
- structural materials
- structural symmetry
- structure factor
- structure models
- structure space-time
- structure-sensitive elements
- structured packing
- sub-satellite point
- sub-zero temperature
- subcooledwater
- subject activity of student’s learning
- sublinear segment
- submicron particle
- suboptimal estimation
- subsidence
- substitution reactions
- substrate
- sucrose
- sulfur-containing organic substances
- sunflower oil
- superactinides
- superconductivity
- superconductors
- superficial currents
- superplasticity
- superposition principle
- superpotential
- supersonic flow
- superstrings
- supply
- supply chain
- surface
- surface and volume currents
- surface defect
- surface density
- surface density of electric charge
- surface energy
- surface perturbations
- surface relief
- surface sewage
- surface structure
- surface tension
- surface wave
- surface waves
- surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
- surfactants
- swelling
- swirling flow
- symbolic calculus
- symmetric solution
- symmetry
- symmetry principle
- synchronization
- synchrotron radiation
- synergy process
- synthesis
- synthesized aperture
- synthetic zeolite
- system
- system of convective heat exchange equations
- system with control
- system with perturbations
- systems ofprofiles
- T-joint
- T1-theorem
- TTT diagram
- TVD schemes
- Taylor series expansion
- Teaching
- TiO2--SiO2
- Tokem-250
- Trailblazer
- Transmission loss
- Tricomi equation
- Tukey distribution
- Tween 80
- tea
- tear fluid
- technetium-99 and carbon-14 transmutation
- technical lignosulfonate
- technical specifications
- technical university
- technogenic hazards
- technology commercialisation
- technology development programme
- teleport
- temperature
- temperature and time dependence of strength
- temperature coefficient
- temperature coefficient of frequency
- temperature field
- temperature fluctuations
- temperature maximum
- temperature of crystallization
- temperature relaxation
- temperature state
- temperature stresses
- temperature waves
- tempered distributions
- template method
- template synthesis
- tension
- tension compression asymmetry
- tensor
- tensor functions
- tensor of momentums
- tensor of the effective thermal conductivity
- terahertz pulsed spectroscopy
- terahertz radiation
- terahertz spectral characteristics
- terahertz spectroscopy
- terahertz technology
- terminal control
- terminal control problem
- terminal problem
- test object
- test-system
- testing
- testing in alternative modes
- tests of complex systems
- tetracycline
- tetrahydrofuran
- texture function
- thawing halo
- the Baikal experiment
- the Chua attractor
- the Green function
- the Kullback measure
- the LS-STAG method
- the Lorenz attractor
- the Prony's method
- the Robin problem
- the acoustic spectrum
- the dependence of the spectral method the Maxwell --- Garnett effective medium size effect
- the education and rehabilitation programs
- the energy effectiveness of plasma-chemical processes
- the function sought for
- the kinetics of the clathrate destabilization
- the mathematical model
- the method of boundary states
- the method of characteristic functions
- the optimal configuration of the electric field
- the ozone synthesis
- the potential flow
- the precession resonance in the rotating ring
- the second order of accuracy
- the time lag
- the transverse Kerr effect
- theory of elasticity
- theory of games
- theory of shell stability
- theory of zero-order approXimation
- thermal analysis
- thermal breakdown
- thermal capacity
- thermal characteristics
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductivity potential
- thermal conductivity tensor
- thermal conductivity tensor components
- thermal contact conductance
- thermal contact resistance
- thermal decomposition
- thermal development methods
- thermal diffusivity
- thermal effects
- thermal explosion
- thermal flux
- thermal insulation materials
- thermal mechanics
- thermal non-destruction inspection
- thermal physics
- thermal protection
- thermal radiation
- thermal reduction
- thermal resistance
- thermal shock
- thermal shock wave
- thermal softening
- thermal solution
- thermal stabilizer
- thermal state
- thermal thin heat-absorbing coating
- thermal wave front
- thermal wave front discontinuity magnitudes
- thermal-conductivity equivalent coefficient
- thermal-hydraulic performance
- thermally active layer
- thermally stimulated luminescence
- thermo-dynamics law
- thermocatalytic propane processing
- thermochemical equations
- thermochemical aquations
- thermochemical characteristics
- thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption
- thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption
- thermodynamic dissolution functions
- thermodynamic equilibrium
- thermodynamic state functions
- thermodynamic state functions
- thermoelasticity
- thermographic medical diagnostics
- thermogravimetry analysis
- thermomechanical analysis
- thermomechanical properties
- thermomechanics
- thermostability
- thin film
- thin films
- thin-walled structure
- thiourea
- third harmonic
- thorax
- three-dimensional bend
- three-dimensional model
- three-dimensional problems of buckling theory
- three-dimensional stability theory
- three-dimensional theory of elastic stability
- threshold autoregression model
- thulium
- tidal deformations
- tidal effects
- tightness
- time
- time of relaxation
- tin
- tin (II) oxide
- tin (IV) oxide
- tincture
- tissue-equivalent materials
- titanium dioxide
- titanium oxide
- titanium trichloride
- topographic interferogram
- topography
- topological group
- topological manifold
- topological quotient of an action
- topological quotient of an action
- topologically graded C*-algebra
- total enthalpy
- total internal reflection
- toxic substances
- tracking system
- traffic safety
- trajectory curvature
- transaction policy
- transcillator heat transfer
- transesterification
- transformation to the equivalent canonical form
- transient periodical conditions of heat exchange
- transition processes
- transmission electron microscopy
- transmission loss
- transmission spectra
- transmittance
- transonic compressors
- transport type problems
- transportation polyhedrons
- transversal pitch ratio
- transverse isotropy
- transverse vibrations
- transversely isotropic bodies
- transversely isotropic material
- trolox
- tructure of planets
- truss structures
- tube
- tubular nanoparticles
- tungsten-zirconium alloy
- tunnel diode
- tunnel diodes
- turbine
- turbulence
- turbulence model
- turbulence models
- turbulent diffusion
- turbulent flow
- turbulent jet
- turbulent stresses
- turbulent transport
- turn points
- two-dimensional probability density function
- two-dimensional problems
- two-dimensional vector analysis
- two-fluid dynamics
- two-fluid magnгtohydrodynamics
- two-fluid model
- two-layer cylinder
- two-layer half-space
- two-level hierarchical systems
- two-liquid model
- two-phase closed thermosyphon
- two-phase medium
- two-phase porous energetic material
- two-phase porous material
- two-time parametric approximation
- type 1 diabetes
- tyrosine
- UV-vis spectrum
- Ufland-Mindlin plate
- Umov-Poynting vector
- ultimate elongation
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasound
- ultrasound impact
- ultraviolet diode
- ultraviolet emission
- ultraviolet radiation
- unbiasedness
- uncertainties of the initial information
- underlying surface temperature
- undisturbed liquid motion
- undulator
- unidirectional fiber composite
- unidirectional fibrous composite
- uniform approximation
- uniform asymptotics
- uniform network
- universal multigrid technology
- unloading
- unstable stratification
- unstructured meshes
- unwrapping antennas
- upper estimate
- upsampling
- uranium
- uranium hexafluoride
- uranyl acetate
- urgent report service
- Van’t Hoff differential method
- Verhulst model
- Vitushkin’s localization operator
- vacuum
- vacuum carburizing
- vacuum optical diagnostic module
- vanadium pentoxide
- vapor explosion
- vapor pressure
- vapor-liquid equilibria
- vapour-liquid equilibrium
- variable amplitude
- variable exponents
- variance
- variance equation
- variation analysis
- variation statement of buckling theory
- variational formulation
- vector control
- vector potential
- vector potentials
- vegetable oil
- vegetation indices
- velocity constant
- velocity fluctuation
- velocity fluctuations
- verification and calibration of mathematical models
- vertical water transfer in soil
- vibrated МОХ-U-fuel
- vibration approximation
- vibration spectrum
- vibrational temperature
- vicinity of the forward critical point
- video educative dimension-limit system
- videoconference
- virial theorem
- viscoelastic rod
- viscoelasticity
- viscoplasticity
- viscosity
- viscous fluid
- viscous friction
- viscous incompressible fluid
- viscous medium
- viscous plasticity
- vitrification temperature
- volatile organic compounds
- voltage fluctuation
- voltage fluctuations
- voltampere characteristics
- volume currents
- volume forces
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- von Mises variables
- vortex formation
- vortex element method
- vortex formation
- vortex formations
- vortex layer
- vortex method
- vortex noise
- vortex particle methods
- vortex structures
- vortices
- vortices generation
- vorticity
- vorticity evolution equation
- vorticity generation
- vulnerability
- WKBJ-asymptotics
- Watson’s series
- Weber functions
- Wiener process
- Wilson cloud chamber
- walking wheel
- wall-free air vortices
- wastewater
- water
- water area
- water clusters
- water purification
- water purification plant
- water treatment
- water-oil emulsion
- wave
- wave absorption
- wave dispersion
- wave equation
- wave function
- wave heat transfer
- wave nature
- wave solid-state gyroscope
- waves
- weaver’s loom
- weld
- welding robot
- well width quantization
- wetting angle
- wheel
- white diode
- wind speed
- work function
- worm-holes
- wormholes
- X-ray diffraction analysis
- X-ray diffraction method
- X-ray diffraction pattern
- X-ray phase analysis
- X-rays analysis