Multisensory Stripping Voltammetry Method for Ophthalmic Identification
Authors: Kolesnichenko I.I., Doronin A.N., Kantarzhi E.P. | Published: 13.04.2018 |
Published in issue: #2(77)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2018-2-107-113 | |
Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Electrochemistry | |
Keywords: multisensory stripping voltammetry, рlanar electrodes, betaxolol, tear fluid |
The paper addresses the suitability of the new electrochemical analytical method of multisensory stripping voltammetry for determining ophthalmic betaxolol. This method is used to identify organic substances that form complexes with metal cations in solution. As a result of this reaction, electroactivity of metal cations changes; these changes are detected by the stripping voltammetry method. We propose a test system that consists of cations of Zn2+, Cd2+, Рb2+, Со2+, Hg2+ in 0.05 М KCl solutions. When an analyze sample is injected into the test system, the metal cations interact with organic compounds; a stripping voltammogram reflects their effect on metal dissolution. So, organic substances are determined. Findings of the research show that betaxolol forms complex compounds with metal cations in the test system and in tear fluid, thereby affecting their electrochemical activity. Results suggest that the amount of electrodeposited metal is dependent on the concentration of betaxоlol, which made it possible to identify betaxоlol. We studied how after instillation of betaxolol tear fluid affects the test system for both healthy people and glaucoma patients. We found that betaxolol in the tear fluid of glaucoma patients promotes the formation of complexes with metal cations of the test-system, as compared to healthy people. The concentration of betaxolol in the tear fluid of glaucoma patients remains constant for 12 hours
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