
Chemistry at the Technical University within the Bologna Agreement

Authors: Fadeev G.N., Golubev A.M., Dikova O.D., Margaryan T.D. Published: 04.10.2014
Published in issue: #5(56)/2014  

Category: Chemistry  
Keywords: Bologna process, Federal State Educational Standard, higher professional education, competences

The transition Russian higher educational institutions to students’ training using Bachelor’s programme and Master’s programme in accordance with the Bologna agreements, demanded a revision and a significant adjustment of all teaching techniques for national pedagogy of the higher school. This particularly concerns the Bachelors’ training as their studying timeline of many fundamental subjects have been reduced significantly. While the syllabuses of disciplines mastering have remained essentially the same. On the example of the chemical subject pedagogical and methodological approaches were considered. This will ensure greatly the requirements applicable to the basic sciences within Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation (FSES-3).


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