
Synthesis and Properties of the TiO2--SiO2--P2O5/La2O3 Bioactive Spherical Composites Based on the Tokem-250 Cation Exchanger

Authors: Lyutova E.S., Vakulenko A.M., Borilo L.P. Published: 02.08.2024
Published in issue: #3(114)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Inorganic Chemistry  
Keywords: spherical composite, Tokem-250, lanthanum oxide, bioactive materials, sol-gel method


The TiO2--SiO2--P2O5 / La2O3 spherical composites on the Tokem-250 cation exchanger were obtained. The composite frame was represented by the TiO2--SiO2--P2O5 / La2O3, and the internal part was filled with the La2O3. Tokem-250 macroporous cation exchanger provides high selectivity for the La3+ lanthanum ions and appears to be promising in creation of the biomaterials. To ensure the composite spherical shape, stepwise heat treatment is required (after drying at the temperature of 60 °C) at 150, 250, 350 °C (30 minutes each) and at 600 °C (6 hours duration). Active centers (Si4+, Ti4+) on the surface of the resulting spherical composites promoted the calcium phosphates deposition and mineralization on the surface of the resulting materials in the biological media. The La3+ ion beneficially effected the ability to form a calcium phosphate layer on the surface of the TiO2--SiO2--P2O5 / La2O3 spherical composites on the Tokem-250 cation exchanger. The obtained samples could be used in further research. Polyvinyl alcohol could be introduced as a binding additive, since it is inert with respect to the samples under study and is not affecting bioproperties of the resulting spherical composites

The work was supported by the Development Program of National Research Tomsk State University ("Priority-2030")

Please cite this article in English as:

Lyutova E.S., Vakulenko A.M., Borilo L.P. Synthesis and properties of the TiO2--SiO2--P2O5/La2O3 bioactive spherical composites based on the Tokem-250 cation exchanger. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 3 (114), pp. 163--178 (in Russ.). EDN: WMTLDW


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