
Aqueous Matrix Components Effect on Photodestruction of the Tetracycline Antibiotics Model Solution

Authors: Andrianova D.V., Ivantsova N.A., Vetrova M.A., Kurbatov A.Yu. Published: 27.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(113)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Organic Chemistry  
Keywords: photodestruction, tetracycline, promoters, high-intensity oxidative processes


The tetracycline antibiotics residues appearing in natural and wastewaters threaten the ecological environment and human health. As one of the promising technologies in water purification, the intensive ultraviolet-based oxidation processes attracted serious attention due to their high efficiency, energy saving and ecological friendliness. The paper analyzes kinetics of the tetracycline aqueous solution photodestruction with various anions and oxidizing agents present. It analyzes effect of the initial tetracycline solution pH on the photodestruction efficiency. It is established that the tetracycline photodestruction process is accompanied by alteration in the redox potential and pH values. Addition of the hydrogen peroxide to the aqueous matrix further increases the tetracycline photodestruction degree and rate. In the sulfur-containing anions group, introduction of the peroxodisulfate turned out to be most efficient in tetracycline photodestruction. Addition of the carbon-containing anions (carbonates and bicarbonates) could also increase the tetracycline photodestruction efficiency, as well as adding nitrate anions to the aqueous matrix. At the same time, introduction of the phosphorus- and chlorine-containing anions into the system was not affecting the tetracycline photodestruction. The most efficient synergistic effect of the aqueous matrix components on the tetracycline antibiotics photodestruction process is determined

Please cite this article in English as:

Andrianova D.V., Ivantsova N.A., Vetrova M.A., et al. Aqueous matrix components effect on photodestruction of the tetracycline antibiotics model solution. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 2 (113), pp. 88--102 (in Russ.). EDN: LVIOYE


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