
Factors Affecting the Microgels Synthesis by the Inverse Emulsion Method

Authors: Burin D.A., Rozhkova Yu.A., Vindokurov I.V., Ryabov V.G. Published: 02.08.2024
Published in issue: #3(114)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Organic Chemistry  
Keywords: microgels, acrylamide, inverse emulsion method, dispersion medium, particle size


The paper presents results of studies aimed at synthesizing the acrylamide based microgels that were carried out using the inverse emulsion method. During the research, special attention was paid to studying the influence of emulsifier concentration, emulsifier composition and of the dispersion medium nature on the microgel morphology. The experiments carried out made it possible to establish that an increase in the emulsifier concentration significantly affected the microgel particles shape and size. The study resulted in finding the emulsifier composition optimal concentration ensuring production of the microgel particles in a round shape. Thus, introduction of kerosene as dispersion medium and emulsifier composition on glyceryl stearate and Tween-80 at the concentration of 2 % proved effective. The study results established that the dispersion medium and emulsifier nature significantly influenced the microgel morphological characteristics. Study results are of great practical significance, since they could be used to optimize the microgel synthesis parameters and their use in such areas as medicine, cosmetology and food industry. This opens up new prospects in development of the innovative materials and technologies based on microgels, which in turn could lead to creation of more effective products and procedures

The work was carried out within the framework of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists --- candidates of sciences (certificate MK-1751.2022.1.3). The research was carried out using equipment purchased under the Federal Academic Leadership Program "Priority-2030"

Please cite this article in English as:

Burin D.A., Rozhkova Yu.A., Vindokurov I.V., et al. Factors affecting the microgels synthesis by the inverse emulsion method. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 3 (114), pp. 149--162 (in Russ.). EDN: VNPPJX


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