
Investigating the Processes of Hydrodynamic Artesian Water Treatment

Authors: Kurbatov A.Yu., Kuzin E.N., Averina Yu.M., Vetrova M.A., Sitnikov A.V. Published: 14.05.2021
Published in issue: #2(95)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-2-118-133

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Organic Chemistry  
Keywords: water purification, cavitation, hydrodynamic treat-ment, water purification plant, acoustic frequency spectrum

The paper aims to investigate hydrodynamic treatment processes of raw (artesian) groundwater to be used for household needs and drinking. The main advantage of hydrodynamic raw water treatment is that a single device, a so-called hydrodynamic vibration generator, is enough to perform the most important processing (deferrization, manganese removal, aeration) without any additional reactants. A hydrodynamic vibration generator contributes to accelerating mass exchange processes without using additional chemical reactants, solely by means of the kinetic energy inherent in the raw water flow undergoing treatment, which is generated when the hydrodynamic properties of the flow itself change dramatically. The generator by itself does not purify water; it processes raw water so as to derive insoluble products by recombining the forms in which the substances to be removed are found in the water, that is, by transforming dissolved manganese and iron compounds into insoluble compounds and decreasing carbon dioxide content in the water so as to precipitate insoluble calcium compounds. The resulting insoluble compounds are easy to remove via further processing in a ceramic membrane filtration system. Hydrodynamic vibration generator efficiency depends on many factors, which means that, when implementing hydrodynamic raw water treatment in real life, obtaining fundamental laws governing the treatment processes as functions of respective parametric characteristics is a necessary stage so as to ensure maximum efficiency. Our experiment confirmed that a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence occurs in raw water subjected to hydrodynamic treatment. We propose a monitoring technology indirectly confirming the efficiency of the hydrodynamic raw water treatment implemented, which is based on recording the sonoluminescence phenomenon via an acoustic technique

The study was enabled by the support program targeting young researcher teachers in D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (application K-2020-015)


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