
Kinetic Regularities of the Transition Metal Oxides Dissolution in the Acid Medium

Authors: Eliseeva E.A., Berezina S.L., Boldyrev V.S. Published: 29.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(113)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: dissolution kinetics, metal oxides, specific rate, surfactants, adsorption, acid-base model, oxidation mechanism


Studying patterns of the transition metals oxide phase dissolution becomes relevant when solving problems related to the metal compounds optimization from depleted ore, to the leaching and enrichment processes, etching of metals and purification of their compounds. The accumulated experimental material relates to particular issues in the d-metal oxides interaction in solutions of various composition. To establish general criteria for processes and mechanisms of their occurrence, it is necessary to summarize data on kinetic patterns of the d-metals solid phase dissolution using the modern concepts. The paper presents results of studying dissolution kinetics of titanium, zirconium and hafnium dioxides in the acidic medium. Kinetic characteristics are obtained, and the kinetic curves nature is determined. Oxide dissolution dependence on the sulfuric acid concentration is established. The data obtained are interpreted taking into account the acid-base equilibrium constants established at the metal oxide/electrolyte solution interface. Experimental and theoretical data are comparatively compared characterizing the oxide dissolution kinetic patterns. The process is simulated, and a dissolution scheme is proposed. It is shown that dissolution of the titanium subgroup metals oxide phase in the acidic medium is accompanied by formation of the intermediate adsorption complexes. Due to different ability of the hydroxide groups to attach the hydrogen ions, acidic properties in the TiO2, ZrO2 and HfO2 series decrease. The results obtained could be informative in studying kinetic characteristics of the transition metal oxides and in practical applications for optimizing their dissolution processes in the acidic media

The work was carried out according to the program of the State Assignment (no. FSFN-2023-0004)

Please cite this article in English as:

Eliseeva E.A., Berezina S.L., Boldyrev V.S. Kinetic regularities of the transition metal oxides dissolution in the acid medium. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 2 (113), pp. 116--128 (in Russ.). EDN: NQDAXS


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