
Detection of Isotopic Peak Series in Low-Resolution Mass Spectra Using Clustering Algorithm and Chi-Square Test

Authors: Lebedev V.V., Pytskii I.S., Buryak A.K. Published: 29.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(113)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: mass spectrometry, signal processing, isotopic peak series, DBSCAN clustering algorithm, chi-square test


This paper presents the algorithm for determining whether a peak detected in mass spectra during signal processing belongs to isotopic peak series. The algorithm’s logic implies preliminary grouping of detected peaks into clusters, checking whether the distribution of peak intensities in each cluster matches the selected pattern, and conducting final grouping which takes the position of peaks along m / z axis into account. The features that enhance the resistance of proposed algorithm to negative phenomena, which can make the detection of isotopic peak series in low-resolution mass spectra by existing methods difficult, are described herein in detail. We present the results of algorithm’s functioning with experimental mass spectra of silver(I) chloride and silver(I) bromide used as input. Tested mass spectra were characterized by various negative phenomena that hinder the detection of isotopic peak series. The proposed algorithm is shown to be capable of grouping peaks with the quality similar to existing linear models while avoiding the usage of empirical rules valid only for certain classes of chemical compounds. Since the algorithm requires selection of pattern to model the distribution of intensities in the possible isotopic peak series, we suggest that practical application of proposed algorithm is viable in cases when multiple similar compounds with known pattern of peak intensity distribution are examined using low-resolution mass spectrometer

This work was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 22-13-00266) for the Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Please cite this article as:

Lebedev V.V., Pytskii I.S., Buryak A.K. Detection of isotopic peak series in low-resolution mass spectra using clustering algorithm and chi-square test. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 2 (113), pp. 149--164. EDN: ODEQRN


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