
Oxygen Solubility in a Suspension of Tin (II) Oxyhydroxide, a Precursor in the Synthesis of Tin (II) and (IV) Oxides

Authors: Kuznetsova S.A., Lisitsa K.V., Malchik A.G., Kozik V.V. Published: 28.09.2018
Published in issue: #5(80)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2018-5-112-124

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: solubility, oxygen, salt solution, oxyhydroxide solution, synthesis, tin (II) oxide, tin (IV) oxide, heat treatment, microwave treatment

The study presents the processes taking place during the interaction of Sn6O4(OH)4 and ammonium chloride in an aqueous suspension that cause the dissolved oxygen content to change. We determined the solubility of atmospheric oxygen in solutions of ammonia and ammonium chloride in water and showed that increasing ammonia concentration increases oxygen solubility. We describe how the solubility of Sn6O4(OH)4 in ammonium chloride solution varies as the NH4Cl concentration increases from 0.27 to 5.45 mol/l at 20 °C. We conducted heat and microwave treatment of suspensions consisting of Sn6O4(OH)4 dispersed in ammonium chloride solutions of various concentrations and obtained mixtures of tin (II) oxide SnO and tin (IV) oxide SnO2; we determined the conditions under which pure tin (II) oxide SnO may be synthesised, uncontaminated by tin (IV) oxide SnO2. Ammonium chloride concentration and the amount of Sn6O4(OH)4 dissolved in the suspension determine the oxygen content, which affects the quantitative composition of the oxide mixture

The study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as part of a government assignment (project no. 4.9607.2017/8.9)


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