
On Predicting Toxic Impact of Uranium Hexafluoride Discharges

Authors: Babenko S.P. , Bad’in A.V.  Published: 07.04.2014
Published in issue: #2(53)/2014  

Category: Ecology  
Keywords: uranium hexafluoride, uranium, fluorine, mathematical model, inhalation penetration, percutaneous penetration, dose

The quantitative assessment of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) impact on workers of atomic industry factories is performed. The different conditions are considered in which a person can find oneself under the emergency with one-time uranium hexafluoride discharge, and the stationary production conditions are discussed when weak technological emissions of this gas are possible from the vessels for its storage. A mathematical model of processes of formation and sedimentation of uranium hexafluoride and products of its hydrolysis in the enclosed space is described. The calculation method is given in the context of the model for determining the concentration of the uranium and fluorine atoms in the air of the working rooms, the density of a flow of these particles in case of emergency discharge of gaseous uranium hexafluoride and during the stationary production process. These quantities are governing in formation of the uranium and fluorine mass doses entering the human body through the inhalation and percutaneous penetration. The equations are given that describe a process of air pollution in the industrial room and subsequent sediment of products of uranium hexafluoride hydrolysis on the industrial surfaces. The conditions and simplifying suggestions are considered under which the initial equations are solved. The values calculated numerically and distribution of concentrations of the uranium and fluorine atoms in the volume of industrial room are given that underlie the calculation of doses of the most significant inhalation penetration of uranium and fluorine.


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