
Uniform Methodology of the Risk Analysis of Emergency Situations of Technogenic and Natural Character

Authors: Aleksandrov A.A., Larionov V.I., Sushchev S.P. Published: 08.02.2015
Published in issue: #1(58)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2015-1-113-131

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control and Information Processing  
Keywords: emergency, risk analysis, vulnerability, damage rule, destruction law, influence model, striking factor

The description of uniform methodical approaches to the estimation of possible damage and the estimation of risks for the person and technosphere objects in emergency situations of natural and technogenic character is given. The risk theory basic concepts are formulated. The authors revealed causal relationships of striking factors influence on object and its resistance to this influence. The methodical base for forecasting of emergency situations consequences is offered and justified. Influence of various factors on probable destruction of risk elements and people injuries is analyzed. The article covers the dependences forming uniform scientific and methodical base from which it is possible to develop techniques of the risk analysis for concrete emergencies of technogenic and natural character.


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