
Real Power Loss Reduction by Basketball League Algorithm

Authors: Kanagasabai L. Published: 01.08.2024
Published in issue: #3(114)/2024  

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics  
Keywords: optimization, power, transmission loss, Basketball league algorithm


In this paper Basketball League (BL) algorithm is applied to solve the power loss lessening problem. BL algorithm has been modelled based on the actions of BL squad. Basketball League game characteristically entails of 4 quarters and each one is ten minutes. Subsequently double quarters the squads shift sides on the courtyard. The squad with extra points at the conclusion of the 4 quarters triumphs the competition. If the total is tied at the conclusion of ruling time, the play will be preceded to additional time period. A bellicose competitor can possess the ball stirring round the court by drooling or fleeting the basketball to a coplayer. In a ball drool, a competitor requests to rebound the basketball counter to the base incessantly practice single hand in a period. Using the both hands concurrently drool the basketball two times previously it rebounds on one occasion establishes a twofold drool defilement, which finishes in relinquishing control to the rival squad. Basketball team possess 12 players, with 5 players on the courtyard with Limit-less replacements are permissible. Players in BL are alienated into consistently fragmented squads grounded upon age, capability, and proficiency. Elucidation has been generated grounded on the squad, players, trainer, and replacement approach. Principally fitness utility for every solution will be calculated and the consequence of competition amongst any two squads playing in BL is anonymous; some squad can triumph at the conclusion. Obviously when squad "i" win over squad "j" it's owed to the influence of the winning squad correspondingly it will be pathetic point for the dropping squad. Initial solution of the problem is engendered and squads are initialized contingent on the creation of the squad with strategies. Initial solution of the problem is engendered and squads are initialized contingent on the creation of the squad with strategies. Trainers are playing principal part in providing effective contribution to the squad. Correspondingly trainers modify the strategies throughout the competition in the direction of competition wining. Rendering to the performance in the specific period elevation and relegation of the squads will be present. Supremely accomplished squads will be endorsed to eldest competition and deprived performed squad will be downgraded to junior division league. Legitimacy of BL algorithm is corroborated in IEEE 30 bus system and IEEE 14, 30, 57, 118, 300 bus test systems without considering the power constancy index. True power loss lessening, voltage divergence curtailing, and voltage constancy index augmentation has been attained

Please cite this article as:

Kanagasabai L. Real power loss reduction by Basketball League algorithm. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 3 (114), pp. 92--114. EDN: RGSEIK


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