
Research of Porosity in a Sample with the Fluid-Saturated Closed Pores Exposed to External Load

Authors: Kharin N.V., Akifyev K.N., Statsenko E.O., Semenova E.V., Sachenkov O.A., Bolshakov P.V. Published: 31.07.2024
Published in issue: #3(114)/2024  

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Solid Mechanics  
Keywords: computer tomography, stress-strain state, porosity, experiment, closed pores, fluid-saturated pores


Modern production capabilities are making it possible to create structures with irregular and heterogeneous structures. Specifics appear in such structures operation associated with alterations in their internal structure exposed to deformation. Such alterations include local destruction and changes in the main skeleton structure; and these effects negatively influence the physical and mechanical properties. Study objects were samples with the fluid-saturated pores. Fluid appeared in the closed pores due to the photo-polymer resin clogging during laser stereolithography. Samples were scanned using the X-ray computer tomograph without external loading and with different compressive longitudinal forces. Four samples with the same porosity were considered, but the pore geometries were different. The paper shows that porosity, volumetric deformation and relative porosity are acting nonlinearly depending on the external compressive force. An increase in porosity in loading was observed in all the samples. Thus, maximum increase in porosity for the ellipsoidal pore was 25 %, and for the spheroidal pore --- 50 %. The results indicate the pore geometry influence on the porosity exposed to a compressive load

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 23-21-00274)

Please cite this article in English as:

Kharin N.V., Akifyev K.N., Statsenko E.O., et al. Research of porosity in a sample with the fluid-saturated closed pores exposed to external load. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 3 (114), pp. 70--91 (in Russ.). EDN: SAQEVR


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