
Computation of Viscous Shock Layer near the Surface of Blunt-Nosed Bodies Using Algebraic Turbulence Model

Authors: Zabarko D.A., Kotenev V.P., Shlyakova I.A. Published: 28.08.2013
Published in issue: #1(40)/2011  

Category: Applied Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Simulation  
Keywords: turbulence, blunt-nosed body, hypersonic flow, Reynolds equations, Navier-Stokes equations, Cebeci-Smith algebraic model

Based on the method of obtaining the solution in time using the principle of partitioning a flow-about-body problem according to physical processes, the efficient algorithm for numerical integration of the Reynolds equations of the averaged turbulent motion is developed which allows one to compute hypersonic turbulent flows about the blunt-nosed bodies.