
Generalized Three-Dimensional Theory of Elastic Body Stability. Part 3. Theory of Shell Stability

Authors: Dimitrienko Yu.I. Published: 07.04.2014
Published in issue: #2(53)/2014  

Category: Mechanics  
Keywords: three-dimensional stability theory, theory of shell stability

Based on three-dimensional equations of theory of elastic body stability with small deformations, the equations of theory of stability of thin shells of Timoshenko type are deduced. These equations differ from the known empirically derived equations of stability theory in different expressions for coefficients at efforts of the basic (stable) state as well as in presence of moments offictitious forces of the basic state, which typically are assumed to be zero. It is shown that for the classical problem on rod stability, the deduced equations of stability theory are reduced to the classical eigenvalue equation. However for more elaborate shell structures, the distinctions are possible in equations of the stability theory and in the expression for critical loads.


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