
Self-Similar Solution of Heat Transport Problems in Solid with Heat-Absorbing Coating Spherical Hot Spot

Authors: Attetkov A.V., Volkov I.K. Published: 10.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(67)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2016-4-97-106

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: isotropic solid, spherical hot spot, thermal thin heat-absorbing coating, temperature field, selfsimilar solution

The problem of determining the temperature field of the isotropic solid with a spherical hot spot having a thermally thin heat-absorbing coating was considered. The non-stationary mode of heat transfer with time-varying heat transfer coefficient and the temperature of the hot spot was investigated. Sufficient conditions were determined, the fulfillment of which allows the realization of self-similar process of the heat transfer in the test system. Qualitative studies of the physical properties of the self-similar process and set of its specific features were conducted. The feasibility of boundary regimes in the spherical hot spot was theoretically proved.


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