
Magnesium-Tetraborate Based Detectors in the Tissue-Equivalent Phantoms Dosimetry

Authors: Zakharchuk I.A., Ambrozevich S.A., Selyukov A.S. , Danilkin M.I., Osadchenko A.V., Daibagya D.S. Published: 04.09.2024
Published in issue: #4(115)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Condensed Matter Physics  
Keywords: magnesium tetraborate, thermally stimulated luminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, tissue-equivalent materials


The paper examines luminescent properties of the magnesium tetraborate doped with dysprosium and sodium. The samples were synthesized by the two-stage impurity introduction method. The MgB4O7:Dy,Na dose response was obtained for irradiation doses of up to 8 Gy. The dose response linearity for the MgB4O7:Dy,Na was demonstrated. Spectral composition of the MgB4O7:Dy,Na sample thermally stimulated luminescence corresponded to the Dy3+ emission spectrum. However, photoluminescence upon excitation at the wavelengths characteristic for Dy3+, as well as the Dy3+ optically stimulated luminescence, were not registered. Optical thermoluminescence curve erasure effect was detected and analyzed using various light sources for this material. It was shown that light similarly effected both the working and the high-temperature peaks of the thermally stimulated luminescence. Theoretical models of luminescence for the tetraborate-based materials were analyzed. Positions of the rare earth elements energy levels in the tetraborate matrix were found based on the known model. Suitable rare earth elements were identified for using as the impurities to create materials with the optical dose data reading. The MgB4O7:Tb,Li was synthesized by a similar method. The Tb characteristic photoluminescence in the 3+ charge state was obtained for this sample. High-temperature peak at about 300 °C dominated on the thermal luminescence curve. The luminescence spectral composition was also corresponding to Tb3+

The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, scientific project 15.SIN.21.0008 (agreement no. 075-11-2021-086)

Please cite this article in English as:

Zakharchuk I.A., Ambrozevich S.A., Selyukov A.S., et al. Magnesium-tetraborate based detectors in the tissue-equivalent phantoms dosimetry. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 47--62 (in Russ.). EDN: XUHFZM


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