Investigation of Stability of the Magic, Near-Magic and Deformed Atomic Nuclei
Authors: Okunev V.S. | Published: 19.12.2013 |
Published in issue: #4(51)/2013 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Physics | |
Keywords: stability of atomic nuclei, magic nuclei, deformed nuclei, nuclear shells, stability triangles, half-life |
The regularities of change in physical properties of atomic nuclei are revealed which are repetitive for groups of nuclides that make up the so-called triangles of stability (in the coordinates of "number of neutrons-number of protons"). If the regularities of change in chemical properties of elements are determined by Mendeleev's periodic law, the patterns of change in nuclear and physical properties of the nuclides are determined by triangles of stability. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of nuclei are defined. The sufficient conditions for stability of the nuclide in relation to electric-nuclear interaction is the zero or maximum value of intrinsic electric quadrupole moment and the optimum ratio of numbers of neutrons and protons in the nucleus. It is shown that strongly deformed nuclei exhibit the properties of doubly magic nuclei, and the stability of nuclides can be explained without introducing the additional magic numbers. The role of nuclear shell occupancy in the stabilization of atomic nuclei is greatly exaggerated. Occupancies of different shells make different contributions to the stabilization of nuclei.
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