
Registering of Vacuum Ultra-Violet Radiation of High Power Density

Authors: Protasov Yu.S., Kutyrev M.V., Protasov Yu.Yu., Shchepanyuk T.S. Published: 24.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(32)/2009  

Category: Physics  

A technique of absolute measurements of powerful (I0 > 106 W/cm2) fluxes of vacuum ultraviolet radiation within the quantum energy range hν ≈ 10...100 eV is implemented in experiments. The technique is based on determination of velocitiesy of waves of the equilibrium ionization in the gas mixture. The emission characteristics of the breakdown plasma of high-current radiating plasma-dynamic discharges have been studied with application of the developed technique, metal bolometers and dual open ionization chamber. It is shown that the turbulent modification of the contact boundary between plasma and gas raises substantially the vacuum ultra-violet output of open plasma-dynamic discharges having the radiation flux power (with moderate energy investment ω0 < 104 J) exceeding I0 ≈ 107 W/cm2, which is comparable with fluxes of short-wave ultra-violet radiation in explosion experiments.