Influence of Interaction of Spin and Orbit Magnetic Subsystems on Spectrum of Magnetic Excitements in Ferromagnetic Conductors
Authors: Yurasov N.I. | Published: 06.03.2014 |
Published in issue: #4(27)/2007 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Physics | |
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A structure of the dispersion equation that defines the spectrum of magnetic excitements in a ferromagnetic conductor, where there are spin and orbit magnetic moments, has been investigated within the approximation of Faraday’s geometry. It is revealed that an order of the dispersion equation does not change when the orbit magnetic moment disappears (i.e. when passing to the standard model of the ferromagnetic metal). This result is a consequence of the symmetry of irregular exchange constants or effective masses of quasi-particles. An opportunity is opening for theoretical analysis of influence of the orbit magnetic subsystem on the recently predicted singularities of the spin waves spectrum (such as the mirror spectral crossover, a region of the negative refraction coefficient) and also on the long predicted but still not detected spectral crossover.