
Form Factor Determination Methodology at the Helium-Neon Laser Design Stage

Authors: Boldyrev V.S., Belyi V.S., Bogatov N.A., Savina A.S., Zotkin A.P., Pentukhin E.I. Published: 02.09.2024
Published in issue: #4(115)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Instrumentation and Methods of Experimental Physics  
Keywords: helium-neon laser, radiation spectrum, function, form factor, technical specifications, life cycle, prototype, pilot plant, compu-tation method


A wide variety of data could be found in literature on the issue of determining the laser form factor function, including relationship between technical parameters and properties of the active substance atoms. However, any unified methodology for determining the laser radiation form factor function is currently missing. The paper presents scientific methodology developed by the authors for computing the explicit form factor function of the helium-neon laser radiation at the initial stage of its life cycle, i.e., the design stage. This methodology is based on relationship between the laser radiation spectral density and its technical parameters and properties of the active substance molecular structure. It is described using the appropriate correct mathematical apparatus. The developed methodology proves meeting the requirements of realism, reproducibility, intelligibility, compliance with goals and objectives, validity and effectiveness. Along with the methodology, the work result also includes an example of solving the problem of determining the explicit form factor function as an equation of the laser radiation spectral line of a helium-neon laser in the advanced generation mode. The proposed tools could become the basis for development of a specific regulatory technical document of practical interest for the research and production enterprises engaged in designing and developing the laser technology

Please cite this article in English as:

Boldyrev V.S., Belyi V.S., Bogatov N.A., et al. Form factor determination methodology at the helium-neon laser design stage. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 35--46 (in Russ.). EDN: UYOOQW


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