
Numerical Simulation of Crystallization of a Modified Metal Drop during Metal Spreading on a Substrate

Authors: Popov V.N., Cherepanov A.N. Published: 06.12.2019
Published in issue: #6(87)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-6-18-39

Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics and Technology of Nanostructures, Nuclear and Molecular Physics  
Keywords: numerical simulation, metal drop, substrate, modification, aluminum alloy, nanosized refractory particles, crystallization

The purpose of the research was to numerically simulate the processes when melting drops fall on a substrate. The paper deals with the solidification on the metal surface of a binary aluminum alloy modified by activated refractory nanosized particles, which are the centers of crystalline phase nucleation. We formulated a mathematical model which describes the thermo- and hydrodynamic phenomena in the drop upon interaction with a solid substrate, heterogeneous nucleation during melt cooling, and subsequent crystallization. The flow in a liquid is described by the Navier --- Stokes equations in the Boussinesq approximation. The position of the free boundary of the melt is fixed by marker particles moving with the local liquid velocity. On the melt --- substrate contact surface, thermal resistance is taken into account. The hydrodynamic problem is considered under conditions of crystallization of molten metal. The temperature conditions and the kinetics of the growth of the solid phase in the solidifying aluminum alloy are described for various sizes of formed splats. Satisfactory agreement was found between the shape of the splat obtained by the results of numerical simulation and the available experimental data. The adequacy of the crystallization model in the presence of ultradisperse refractory particles in a binary alloy is confirmed. It was determined that, regardless of the size of the drop, bulk crystallization of the metal takes place. It was found that at a high rate of collision of a drop with a substrate during the melt spreading, a small fraction of the solid phase can be formed

The work was carried out as part of the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013--2020 (project no. 0323-2018-0012)


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