
Condition for Maintaining Constant Temperature in the Phase Transition Heat Flow Accumulators

Authors: Rossikhin N.A., Chukaev A.G., Makarenkov D.A. Published: 27.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(113)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: heat accumulator, solidification, melting, phase transition, solid phase


Maintaining the coolant constant temperature at the outlet in the phase transition heat flow accumulators, close to the phase transition temperature, is ensured by sufficiently intense heat exchange between the coolant and the phase transition surface. At the same time, the coolant temperature deviation at the outlet less than the permissible value could not always be provided during the entire phase transition period. For the constant cross-section accumulators with constant thermal characteristics along the length, an analytical solution was obtained making it possible to calculate the point in time, starting from which the coolant temperature deviation at the outlet from the phase transition temperature became higher than the permissible value. It could be applicable in calculating many phase transition heat flow accumulators (shell and tube, capsule, etc.) that use complex configuration of the heat exchange surfaces. To derive it, an analytical quasi-stationary solution was used corresponding to an ideal case, when thermal resistance in the phase-transition material was low. In this case, the process sufficiently high intensity was ensured by selecting the appropriate design parameters at the design stage. The resulting analytical solution describes the charging and discharging processes in accumulators with different configurations of the heat exchange surfaces and appears general in describing processes in the flow heat accumulators

Please cite this article in English as:

Rossikhin N.A., Chukaev A.G., Makarenkov D.A. Condition for maintaining constant temperature in the phase transition heat flow accumulators. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 2 (113), pp. 74--87 (in Russ.). EDN: KWUFJW


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