
Improving the Heat Exchanger Efficiency at the Phase Transitions

Authors: Tupotilova A.V., Gareev E.I., Belyaev A.V., Dedov A.V. Published: 04.09.2024
Published in issue: #4(115)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: boiling, intensification, heat exchange, modification, developed surface


Numerous studies are using developed surfaces as a means effecting the boiling process to intensify the two-phase heat exchange and increase the critical heat flow. Detailed experimental study is required in each separate case to determine optimal geometry for the new structured heat transfer surfaces. Currently, any computation method for such heat exchange surfaces applicable in a wide range of flow parameters is missing. The paper considers heat exchange intensification using the surface modification during freon boiling in the models of heat exchangers that could be used in refrigeration systems, microelectronics and heat pumps. Laser and plasma effects were used to modify the heat exchange surface, which was a plate made of the corrosion-resistant steel. Five working sections were manufactured. The study was carried out during boiling the two chladones (R125, RC318) with reduced pressures of pr = 0.43 and pr = 0.13 in the flow parameter values range of G = 30--150 kg/(m2 • s), Ts = 30 °С. The paper presents experimental data on heat exchange during boiling on the modified surfaces and compares it with the data measured on the unmodified surface. It shows possibility of increasing the heat flux density by up to 18 %

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 19-19-00410)

Please cite this article in English as:

Tupotilova A.V., Gareev E.I., Belyaev A.V., et al. Improving the heat exchanger efficiency at the phase transitions. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 63--76 (in Russ.). EDN: WYSOWH


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