Выпуклые матрицы и многомерная задача о ранце общей лестничной структуры
ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2016. № 6
problems. For multidimensional knapsack problems with
convex constraint matrices of the generalized ladder structure
we proposed the decomposition solution method, which
makes it possible to significantly increase the solved problems
dimension. Decomposition is exposed on the constraints and
the objective function. In the general case, the iteration loop
consists of solving various knapsack problems with two con-
straints with at least one common variable. After solving the
knapsack problem with two constraints, it is equivalently
replaced by a combination of the two knapsack problems with
one constraint each. It is done by modifying the coefficients
of the objective function for the common variables. The
method has an additional advantage — it does not accumu-
late computation errors, since in each cycle the objective
function coefficients restore their values. Numerical example
is given to illustrate the proposed method
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