Е.М. Абуталипова, А.А. Александров, Ю.В. Лисин
ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 2
The study investigates the heating process of the polymeric
coating–pipeline metal system under the influence of
microwave electromagnetic field. We developed a mathe-
matical model of thermal processes at microwave pro-
cessing of multilayer systems with non-uniform structure
and properties. Moreover, we developed and substantiated
the operating parameters of heat treatment technology for
pipeline anticorrosive polymeric coating by microwave
heating allowing for improvement of physical and mecha-
nical properties of the coating. Furthermore, we developed
a mobile microwave device for processing the coated pipe-
line internal surface. The study experimentally tests the
effect the microwave processing modes have on features of
thermal processes progress in the polymeric coating–
pipeline metal system, as well as its effect on development
of coating high serviceability. Finally, we examined the
characteristics and properties of coatings in the wide range
of microwave power influence, and determined tempera-
ture dependences of system heating on time and micro-
wave power influence. By experiment we established the
3…5 degrees temperature rise in the pair coating–primer
that promotes stronger adherence with pipeline metal
Pipeline, anticorrosive polymeric
coating, microwave processing, elec-
tromagnetic field, energy exchange
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