
Features and Thermochemical Patterns of Solution of Inorganic Electrolytes in Two-Component Solvent Systems

Authors: Solovev S.N., Gurov A.A., Shatalov K.I. Published: 27.11.2024
Published in issue: #5(116)/2024  

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: enthalpy of solvation (dissolution), two-component mixtures, two-component solvents, con-centration dependence of enthalpy, solvent composition, intermolecular interaction


The article discusses the data obtained by the authors and literature on the enthalpies of solution (dissolution) for inorganic electrolytes in two-component solvents. These solvents are mixtures, with one component being an individual organic solvent such as formamide, ethylformamide, n-propanol, acetonitrile, isopropanol, dimethylformamide, or dimethyl sulfoxide, and the other being water or another individual organic solvent. Some of these solvents are protonic, meaning their molecules can form protons (H+ ions) during dissociation. Others are aprotic, meaning they do not have this ability. The inorganic electrolytes include alkali metal chlorides, barium chloride, zinc chloride, neodymium chloride, iodine, and hydrogen chloride. The standard enthalpies of solution for these electrolytes are systematized based on their dependence on the type and composition of mixed solvent. These dependencies include almost linear, monotonically decreasing, and those with an extremum. With local extremes and inflection points, the analysis of changes in these dependencies is carried out within the framework of modern ideas about possible types and forms of intermolecular and ion-molecular interaction

Please cite this article in English as:

Solovev S.N., Gurov A.A., Shatalov K.I. Features and thermochemical patterns of solution of inorganic electrolytes in two-component solvent systems. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 5 (116), pp. 127--146 (in Russ.). EDN: FRGBCF


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