
Mathematical Description of Processes of Emerging and Depositing of Hydrolysis Products of Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride UF6 in Flat Layer and in Tube

Authors: Babenko S.P. , Bad’in A.V.  Published: 23.04.2014
Published in issue: #3(18)/2005  

Category: Ecology  

A problem of estimation of doses of toxic substances - uranium and fluorine in production conditions of handling uranium hexafluoride UF6 is solved. The discussed mathematical model takes into account the diffusion motion of particles in gas phase and drift movement of aerosol particles under gravity. The movement is considered in a flat layer. Such a model is maximally approximated to the described physical process and allows one to estimate doses being received by a person through inhaling toxic substances and due to their deposition to the person’s skin.