
Jacobi Stability of the Nonlinear Double Pendulum and its Trajectories in the Configuration Space

Authors: Shkapov P.M., Sulimov V.D., Danich M.A. Published: 02.09.2024
Published in issue: #4(115)/2024  

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Theoretical Mechanics, Machine Dynamics  
Keywords: dynamical system, Jacobi stability, Kosambi --- Cartan --- Chern theory, geometric invariant, nonlinear double pendulum, configuration space, global chaos


The paper considers problems of the Jacobi stability analysis in regard to a dynamic system, i.e., the non-linear double pendulum. Based on the Kosambi --- Cartan --- Chern theory, it introduces geometric description of the system evolution in time making it possible to determine the five geometric invariants. Eigenvalues of the second invariant called the deviation curvature tensor and provide an estimate of the system Jacobi stability. Such research is relevant in applications, where it is necessary to identify regions with the Lyapunov stability and the Jacobi stability appearing simultaneously. The paper investigates the in-time evolution of a system consisting of two identical mathematical pendulums connected in series. The deviation curvature tensor eigenvalues dependence on the initial conditions is presented. The MATLAB computing environment was used in integrating the motion nonlinear differential equations. Dependence of the behavior nature of the regular motion or global chaos system on the initial conditions is determined. The system regular or chaotic behavior is represented in the configuration space and is characterized by alterations in the generalized coordinates and in the deflection curvature tensor eigenvalues. Examples are provided of the system trajectory types in the configuration space depending on the initial conditions. The paper demonstrates effectiveness of the implemented approach in determination of the system Jacobi stability

Please cite this article in English as:

Shkapov P.M., Sulimov V.D., Danich M.A. Jacobi stability of the nonlinear double pendulum and its trajectories in the configuration space. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 21--34 (in Russ.). EDN: UPBGEX


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