
Optimizing the Ultrasonic Exposure Source Position and Dimensions During Excitation of Oscillations of a Flat Physical Object of Finite Thickness

Authors: Khmelev V.N., Golykh R.N., Tsyganok S.N., Barsukov A.R. Published: 01.08.2024
Published in issue: #3(114)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Acoustics  
Keywords: ultrasound, emitters, simulation, optimization, flat body oscillation, sound uniformity


The paper presents results of a research aimed at increasing efficiency of processes implemented in the thin layers of various materials. They are appearing on plates (in gas absorption by liquids, dispersion of liquids, heat removal, drying the formed coatings, ice and foreign coating removal) following their surface oscillations on the ultrasonic frequency with a given amplitude. To achieve the required plate oscillation amplitude and ensure its uniform distribution along the surface, the paper proposes an optimal position of the ultrasonic emitters of a certain size. The integral oscillation power of the entire plate, which is generated by a certain number of emitters, is applied as the optimality criterion. The proposed and developed numerical model of the oscillations formation in a plate is based on solving the biharmonic equation for the oscillation amplitude distribution, taking into account its thickness finiteness. It provides selection of number, position and size of the ultrasonic emitters required to solve a specific problem. Simulation results made it possible to identify that the emitters' optimal position was depending on specific characteristics that should be considered when solving the problem of optimizing the ultrasonic emitters' size and location for each specific plate. Computation showed high efficiency of introducing the created model and a possibility of its practical application in solving the problems in various industries

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 22-29-00828 "Cavitation-acoustic formation of a multiply connected gas--liquid interface to solve the problem of highly efficient gas absorption", https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-29-00828/)

Please cite this article in English as:

Khmelev V.N., Golykh R.N., Tsyganok S.N., et al. Optimizing the ultrasonic exposure source position and dimensions during excitation of oscillations of a flat physical object of finite thickness. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 3 (114), pp. 133--148 (in Russ.). EDN: TBQSDK


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