
Wave Heat Transfer in a Nonlinear Anisotropic Plate under the Action of a Point Source of Thermal Energy

Authors: Formalev V.F., Garibyan B.A., Kolesnik S.A. Published: 04.09.2024
Published in issue: #4(115)/2024  

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: anisotropy, nose cone, thermal protection, dissociating boundary layer, conjugate heat transfer, degree of longitudinal anisotropy, vicinity of the forward critical point


The paper presents a mathematical model of a new method of thermal protection of the most heat-loaded nose parts of high-speed (hypersonic) aircraft based on the use of anisotropic heat-protective materials with a high degree of longitudinal anisotropy (the ratio of the longitudinal to transverse thermal conductivity coefficient is 100--200). The mathematical model describes the conjugate heat transfer between a dissociating thermo-gas-dynamic boundary layer in the Dorodnitsyn --- Liz variables and an anisotropic blunt cone. Due to the high degree of longitudinal anisotropy, heat flows are "canalized" from the vicinity of the front critical point (FCP) to the tail part of the blunted cone, significantly reducing the temperature in the vicinity of the FCP and significantly heating the side surface, which leads to a decrease in heat flows to the side surface. As a result, the heat-protective coating of the nose of the aircraft functions in the absence of mass loss, that is, it retains its geometric shape. Approximate analytical solutions for convective and diffusion heat flows on the surface of a blunt cone are obtained taking into account the catalytic recombination coefficient, which are used as boundary conditions in the numerical solution of a two-dimensional non-stationary problem of anisotropic thermal conductivity. The simulation results confirm the high efficiency of the proposed thermal protection system

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 22-19-00420)

Please cite this article in English as:

Formalev V.F., Garibyan B.A., Kolesnik S.A. Wave heat transfer in a nonlinear anisotropic plate under the action of a point source of thermal energy. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2024, no. 4 (115), pp. 77--92 (in Russ.). EDN: ZNQBZA


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