
Temperature State of the Anisotropic Spherical Layer During Convective Heat Exchange with the Environment

Authors: Zarubin V.S., Leonov V.V., Zarubin V.S. Jr. Published: 11.09.2019
Published in issue: #4(85)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-4-40-55

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: convective heat transfer, anisotropic material, heat-shielding coating, problem of heat conductivity, spherical layer

The paper focuses on the process of steady heat conduction in a spherical layer of a heat-shielding coating made of anisotropic material. The inner surface of the layer is ideally heat-insulated but its outer surface is exposed to heating by convective heat exchange with the environment, the temperature of which varies along this surface. Based on the obtained solution of the linear heat conduction problem, we quantitatively assessed the influence of the degree of anisotropy of the coating material, its relative thickness, intensity of convective heat transfer, and uneven distribution of ambient temperature on the equalization of temperature distribution in the spherical layer. The results obtained can be used to select the characteristics of an anisotropic coating material in order to reduce the temperature of the outer surface of the spherical layer in the zone of the most intense heating

This work was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project of the Russian Science Foundation no. 17-79-10450)


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