
Thermal Reaction During Thermal Shock of a Massive Body with an Internal Cylindrical Cavity

Authors: Kartashov E.M. , Nenakhov E.V. Published: 14.12.2020
Published in issue: #6(93)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-6-60-79

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: thermal shock, dynamic thermoelasticity, wave nature, stresses, accelerations

The paper examines mathematical models of thermal shock in terms of dynamic thermoelasticity and their application to specific cases during intense heating of a solid boundary. We introduce a stress compatibility equation for dynamical problems, generalizing the well-known Beltrami --- Mitchell relation for quasi-static cases. It is convenient to use this relation when considering numerous special cases in the theory of heat shock in Cartesian coordinates both for bounded bodies of a canonical form, i.e., an infinite plate, and for partially bounded bodies, i.e., space bounded from the inside by a flat surface. In the latter case, the obtained analytical solutions of dynamic problems of thermoelasticity lead to visual and convenient for physical analysis functional structures describing the kinetics of thermal stresses. For cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, we propose a compatibility equation in displacements, which is convenient for studying the problem of thermal shock in bodies with a radial heat flux and under conditions of central symmetry. In the study, we singled out a class of problems in which the consideration of the geometric dimensions of a structure investigated for a thermomechanical reaction under conditions of intense heating concerns mainly the near-surface layers. According to the experimental results, it is these layers that absorb the main amount of heat during a time close to the beginning of heating, which corresponds to the time of the microsecond duration of the inertial effects. We investigated the thermal reaction of a massive body with an inner cylindrical cavity within the framework of dynamic thermoelasticity under various modes of intense heating of the cavity surface. Finally, we carried out numerical experiments and described the wave character of thermal stresses with the corresponding quasi-static values, and established the role of inertial effects in mathematical models of the theory of thermal shock


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