Evaluating Possibility of Registering Scattered Gravitational Radiation on Wormholes
Authors: Kirillov A.A., Krichevskiy D.P. | Published: 08.08.2020 |
Published in issue: #4(91)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-4-89-102 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Theoretical Physics | |
Keywords: dark matter, gravitational waves, wormholes, registration, scattering |
Possibility of experimental registration of gravitational radiation scattered on wormholes was evaluated. Scattered radiation registration could become the experimental evidence of the wormhole gas theory explaining the dark matter nature. The simplest model of the traversable static spherically symmetric wormhole was used, which is the limiting case for the Bronnikov --- Ellis wormhole. Equations for gravitational wave against the background of non-empty curved space--time were obtained in the gauge, where the trace of a gravitational wave is not equal to zero. It is shown that equation on the trace is reduced to the Klein --- Gordon --- Fock equation. Explicit expressions were obtained for the gravitational wave trace scattering cross section on a wormhole. It was assumed that the gravitational wave amplitude order was equal to its trace order, numerical simulation was carried out, and scattered gravitational radiation intensity and amplitude from wormholes on Earth were estimated. In the multiverse case, when the wormhole throat was leading to another universe, conclusion was made that it was currently impossible to register radiation scattered by wormholes taking into account the LIGO/VIRGO detector sensitivity
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