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The original manuscript was received by the editors on 18.04.2014


D.A. Fetisov — Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical

Simulation, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, author of 15 research

publications in the field of mathematical control theory.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, Moscow, 105005

Russian Federation.

The translation of this article from Russian into English is done by O.G. Rumyantseva,

Senior Lecturer, Linguistics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

under the general editorship of N.N. Nikolaeva, Ph.D. (Philol.), Associate Professor,

Linguistics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


ISSN 1812-3368. Herald of the BMSTU. Series “Natural Sciences”. 2014. No. 5