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In recent years it has become clear that despite the great success of

describing a wide range of the currently known elementary particles, the

standard model requires further clarification considering the discovery of

symmetry breaking effects of time (


) reversal at small distances. Thereby,

the theory predicts that the phason rest mass must be different from

zero. Thus, the conclusion is made about existence of the elementary

particles with extremely small but finite rest mass [8–11]. Axions can

be the examples of such particles [1]. The axion rest mass is expected

to correspond to the energy range of 0.001. . . of 1.0 meV, i.e., it must be

considerably less than the rest mass of all known elementary particles.

Axions are pseudo-scalar particles, i.e. their wave function changes the

sign under inversion and mirror reflections of space.

The current trend in modern physics is also associated with predicting

the presence of the dark matter in the Universe (total share is 0.23) and the

dark energy (total share is 0.73).

Recently a hypothesis has been put forward based on astrophysical

data [12–17] that the axions, which are pseudo-scalar particles with the

extremely low rest mass and relativistic law of dispersion, can be contenders

for the role of dark matter particles.

“Cold” (slow) axions are nonrelativistic (Newtonian) particles. They

can turn into the state of Bose-Einstein condensate in case of having

a density high enough to perform it. “Hot” (fast) axions are relativistic

particles and move at speeds close to the speed of light. An important

property of these particles is their hyperweak interaction with the material

media, this property being similar to neutrino’s. According to the estimates

based on astrophysical data, the equilibrium concentration of axions in our

part of the Galaxy is about





. With this concentration, due to the

extremely low rest mass of axions, the Bose-Einstein condensation must

occur, even at room temperature.

Some papers discussed the problem of detecting and generating axions

in the laboratory [12–17]. The possibilities of realization of photon-

axion conversion processes are being analyzed along with the inverse

processes that are allowed by the selection rules in the presence of a strong

external magnetic field. The two effects are being studied: 1) generation of

“hot” axions during the photon conversion of the laser or x-ray radiation

into the axions of the same energy; 2) detection of “cold” (Newtonian)

axions in their conversion into microwave range photons. Only the first

experimental results have recently been obtained in these areas that

require optimization of the observation conditions and finding ways to

strengthen the effectiveness of the processes being discussed to find a

reliable interpretation of the obtained experimental results.


ISSN 1812-3368. Herald of the BMSTU. Series “Natural Sciences”. 2014. No. 6