
New Two-Fluid Turbulence Model Based Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Flat Suddenly Expanding Channel

Authors: Malikov Z.M., Madaliev M.E. Published: 26.08.2021
Published in issue: #4(97)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-4-24-39

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics  
Keywords: Navier --- Stokes equations, flat channel with a backward-facing step, separated flow, two-fluid model, control volume approach, turbulent stresses

The purpose of the research was to numerically study the structure of the flow in a flat channel in the zone of its sudden step-like expansion. The results of the study are given in the paper. The calculations are carried out with the use of a new two-fluid turbulence model and are based on the numerical solution of a system of nonstationary equations. The profiles of axial velocity and turbulent stress in various sections of the channel before and after the step were obtained, as well as the dependence of the friction coefficient for the lower wall of the channel on the distance after the step. For the difference approximation of the initial equations, the control volume approach was applied; the relationship between the velocities and pressure was found using the SIMPLEC procedure. Meanwhile, the viscosity terms were approximated by the central difference, and for the convective terms the QUICK second-order accuracy scheme was used. To confirm the correctness of the numerical results, we compared them with the experimental data taken from the NASA database for the Reynolds number Re = 36,000. The results obtained using the SA and SST models are also given in the paper. Despite the coarse grid used for numerical calculations, the results based on the new two-fluid turbulence model are not less accurate than the results determined by the RANS models for predicting separated flows in the flat channel in the zone of its sudden backward-facing step expansion


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