A New Look at Fundamentals of the Photometric Light Transport and Scattering Theory
ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 5
is the parameter introduced by researchers to describe the scattering process
as a continuous process using appropriate mathematical tools.
The light transport and scattering theory (LT&ST) is widely used
today in biomedical optics, ocean optics, optics of atmosphere, etc. However, there are
difficulties with the analytical and closed-form solution of the classic radiative
transport equation (RTE). In most practical cases, RTE does not have the analytical
solution. As we have reported in our previous publications, the problem in particular
follows from the not entirely accurate formulation of some main terms in LT&ST. In
this part of the article, we tried to prove one of these our assumptions from the ''first
principles'', describing systematically a number of different models of 1D pure
scattering problems. It was shown, that the scattering coefficient is a parameter of
both optical properties of the medium and the mathematical approach used. It
depends not only on optical properties of the medium, but also on the approximation,
which is applied to solve the problem. Scattering coefficient in RTE is the photometric
parameter, which was introduced to describe the scattering process as a continuous
process using appropriate mathematical tools. Therefore, in different tasks it can vary,
that can be a source of errors in calculations. Indeed, more real and close to realistic
practical problems are problems of scattering with absorption. We will consider them
in the second part of the article.
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