О.В. Пугачев, Зо Тун Хан
ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2016. № 4
momenta of heat energy, this value is exactly known for a homoge-
neous material, and this estimate is statistically evaluated for compo-
site materials. A computing experiment models the process of heat
conduction through a layer of a composite material, having heated
one side of the layer at the start. For a layer of a composite, we per-
form a multiple computational experiment modeling heat conduc-
tion, and, having processed the experiment results statistically,
we obtain confidence intervals for the effective temperature conduc-
tivity and heat conductivity coefficients. We have considered inclu-
sions of materials with heat conductivity coefficients differing from
those of the matrix in 3 times up or down, and with zero heat con-
ductivity. Ball inclusions of equal size were situated in a cubic order
or chaotically. In series of 4300 randomly moving particles, in all
cases considered, the difference between the effective heat conduc-
tivity coefficients and those calculated by other methods does not
exceed a statistical error. The method elaborated makes it possible to
obtain effective heat conductivity coefficients for composites with
inclusions of any size and shape; it can be applied also in a case of
inclusions of several materials. The results obtained are reliable,
their exactness is limited only by the power of computers
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