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В.С. Зарубин


ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 5


Zarubin V.S., Kuvyrkin G.N. Special features of mathematical modeling of technical


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Zarubin V.S.

— Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Bauman Mos-

cow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Fe-


Please cite this article in English as:

Zarubin V.S. Variational Notation of a Thermal Breakdown Model for a Solid Dielectric with

Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity.

Vestn. Mosk. Gos. Tekh. Univ. im. N.E. Bau-

mana, Estestv. Nauki

[Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Tech. Univ., Nat. Sci.], 2017, no. 5,

pp. 4–18. DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2017-5-4-18